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一、课程性质和目的 课程性质:《高等数学》课程是理工科院校一门重要的公共基础课,是课时 较多的必修课。 课程目的:通过高等数学的教学使学生获得微积分、常微分方程及无穷级数 的基本知识,必要的基本理论和常用的基本运算技能,并通过教学培养学生的运 算能力,抽象思维能力,逻辑推理能力、空间想象能力以及综合运用所学的数学 知识分析问题和解决问题的能力;通过该课程的学习为后续课程打下必要的数学 基础
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一、公务员制度的生成逻辑 二、大陆公务员制度的背景 三、公务员制度的主要内容 四、公务员制度的主要特征 五、公务员制度的改革发展
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Public Finance Defined Public finance is about the taxing and spending activities of the government. Also known as \public sector economics\or \public economics.\ Focus is on microeconomic functions of government- polices that affect overall unemployment or price levels are left for macroeconomics
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Welfare economics Need systematic framework to assess the desirability of various government actions. Welfare economics is concerned with the social desirability of alternative economic states. Distinguishes cases when private markets work well from cases where government intervention may be warranted
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Externality Defined An externality is present when the activity of one entity(person or firm)directly affects the welfare of another entity in a way that is outside the market mechanism. Negative externality: These activities impose damages on others. Positive externality: These activities benefits on others
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Introduction Will provide framework for thinking about the normative and positive aspects of government income redistribution policy
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Social Insurance Programs Generally share 4 characteristics: Participation is mandatory Eligibility and benefits depend on prior contributions Benefits begin with an identifiable occurrence Programs are not means-tested
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1.已知某国某年以下统计资料: (1)总产出15000亿元(包括全部产品税净额) (2)最终消费8110亿元,其中居民消费5600元,公共消费2510亿元 (3)资本形成总额2037亿元,其中固定资本形成总额2010亿元,库存增加24亿元,贵重物品净
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可扩展标记语言(Extensible Markup Language,xml)是万维网协会(3C推荐的一个开 放标准,它是构造Web上的文档和数据的通用格式。XML有着越来越广泛的应用前景。它 的应用范围包括数据库系统、搜索引擎、数据编辑器、文档编辑器、Web网页、电子商务、 Java、新闻、公共对象请求代理体系结构(Common Object Request Broker Architecture, CORBA) 等
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一、纸币发行量>流通中实际需要量 二、货币贬值 三、物价上升 四、购买力下降
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