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About the final It will be in English. Try to answer in English as well. The problems are given in such a way that very short answers are needed. Chinese allowed if you can only read English
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Unit one Ways oflearning Part I Part II Text a Learning, Chinese-Style Part III Textb Children and money Part Iv Theme-Related Language learning task Writing Strategy: Using comparison and contrast in essay writing
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1. Offer and quotation: (1)A quotation is often taken by many Chinese business person to stand for a unit price with delivery conditions. e.g. USD324/PC CIF New York; An offer is considered to include more conditions such as shipment, payment, insurance and packing. (2)From the legal point of view a quotation is not an
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RAFHU REEARCH CENTIERMBEBNGULVERSI Introduction to Traffic Engineering Total credit hours 40 Credit =2.5 Teaching approach English Plus some Chinese Text book Traffic Engineering · Course Characteristics--- compulsory Final score--- based on homework and term exam
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Name: L Write down the chinese meanings of the following words:( 50%) 1. receipt purp 3. manuf acture 4. marvelous 5. mild
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L Write down the chinese meanings of the following words:( 50%) 1. receipt purp 3. manuf acture 4. marvelous 5. mild 7. modify
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1. Translate the following phrases into Chinese:(40%) 1. by accident 2. 3. in add ition 4. adjust to 5. above all
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Revision l Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook 1 advance payment/ Cash in advance 2 defer payment 3 initial payment 4 Documentary letter of credit
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Revision of unit 6 工. Expressions Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without /ooking at your textbook 1. Superior quality/inferior quality 2. Customary quality /ordinary quality
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Revision I. Expressions ss Directions: Turn the following English terms into Chinese without looking at your textbook 1. Purchase order: order sheet. order note indent
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