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Why are you making money What will happen to that resource? Can you use your resource now to build something to replace it? Do you have any disadvantages?
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Why are you making money? What will happen to that resource Can you use your resource now to build something to replace it? Do you have any disadvantages?
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你为甚么能赚到钱? 那个资源会发生甚么变化? 你可以利用现有资源来创造可以取代 它的事物吗? 你有任何劣势吗?
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When a manager with a good reputation meets an industry with a bad reputation. It is normally the industry that leaves with Its reputation intact” Attributed to Warren Buffett
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Not all economic forces respect industry boundaries Cartoons for all kids or All entertainment for some kids
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并井所有的经济力量都遵守产业疆界的 要制造所有的儿童都喜爱的卡通? 或 针对部份儿童制造全方位的娱乐产品?
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More openness allows more value creation, but less value capture More attractive for weaker players
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在许多不同的市场中,一个公司想要成功必需要结 合数种不同的资源 有数种方式可以集结公司所需的资源,如 行开发
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在许多不同的市场中,一个公司想要成功必需要结 合数种不同的资源。 有数种方式可以集结公司所需的资源,如
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In general, you can not expect to capture any value if you do not create any. Getting paid to play?\ is an exception, but is unlikely to yield very high profits
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