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The planning process Planning is the process used by managers to identify and select goals and courses of action for the organization The organizational plan that results from the planning process details the goals to be attained o The pattern of decisions managers take to reach these goals is the organizations strategy
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Organizational Control Managers must monitor evaluate Are we efficiently converting inputs into outputs? Must accurately measure units of inputs and outputs. Is product quality improving e Are we competitive with other firms? Are employees responsive to customers? customer service is increasingly important. Are our managers innovative in outlook? Does the control system encourage risk-taking
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Personality traits Personality Traits: Characteristics that influence how people think, feel and behave on and off the job. Include tendencies to be enthusiastic demanding, easy-going, nervous, etc. Each trait can be viewed on a continuum, from low to high There is no \wrong trait, but rather managers have
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Leadership Leadership is the process where a person exerts influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve goals. Effective leadership increases the firm' b ability to meet new challenges. Leader: The person exerting the influence Personal Leadership style: the ways leaders choose to influence others Some leaders delegate and support subordinates, others are very authoritarian Managers at all levels have their own Irwin/McGraw-Hill leadership style
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Importance of Good Communication o Good communication allows a firm to a Learn new skills and technologies a Become more responsive to customers Improve quality of their product or service Foster innovation eFfective communication is needed by all Managers Irwin/McGraw-Hill
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Information and the Manager e Data raw facts such as the number of customers Information: data arranged in a meaningful fashion Good information possesses these attributes o Information Quality: measures information accuracy and reliabilit
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一、电极化:在外电场作用下,介质内的质点(原子、分子 、离子)正负电荷重心的分离,使其转变成偶极子的过程。 或在外电场作用下,正、负电荷尽管可以逆向移动,但它们 并不能挣脱彼此的束缚而形成电流,只能产生微观尺度的相 对位移并使其转变成偶极子的过程
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一、人力资源管理的历史与层次 二、人事管理与人力资源管理的区别 三、公共部门人力资源管理的含义 四、人力资源的重要作用 五、由谁来进行人力资源管理
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未能通过消防员岗位书面考试的黑人求职 者们提出了一项针对“杰克逊维尔市消防局” 的种族歧视诉讼。考试失败使他们无法成为消 防员采取进一步的措施。求职者们争辩说,他 们未能通过测验,仅仅因为这是种族歧视性的 测验,与完成该工作所需要的技能和职责无关 开庭前的关键问题之一是:该考试是不 是以一项恰当地进行的工作分析为基础。那就 是说,该工作分析找到了作为测验之基础的恰 当的工人必要条件吗?
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1、达到成本效率。 2、)吸引高度合格的候选人。 3、帮助确保那些被雇佣的个人留在公司 4、帮助公司努力遵守法律 5、帮助公司创造一支文化上更加多样化的劳动力队伍
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