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电子科技大学:《物理与化学电源基础 Fundamental of Physical and Chemical Power Sources》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,第一部分)Section III Fundamentals of Solar Cell
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电子科技大学:《物理与化学电源基础 Fundamental of Physical and Chemical Power Sources》课程教学资源(课件讲稿,第一部分)Section II Nuclear energy(Fundamentals of Fusion Enery)
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第一章 绪 论 1.1 信号及其分类 1.2 信号分析与处理概述
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电位法和永停滴定法(PPT课件讲稿)Potentiometric titration and dead-stop titration
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《药物设计学》课程教学资源(参考教材)国外药学专著译丛《有机药物化学》电子书(原著第二版,共八章,[美]R.B.西尔弗曼 Richard B. Silverman,主译:郭宗儒)
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酶的结构和功能、作用特点及影响因素 生命活动的基本特征是能够进行新陈代谢,新陈代谢的本质是一系列受严格调控的化 学反应。生物体内进行的这些化学反应,是在常温、常压、酸碱适中的温和条件下,有条 不紊地迅速完成的,如果这些化学反应在体外进行,则速度非常缓慢,或者需要高温高压 等特殊条件下才能进行
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Junction potentials Whenever we change electrolyte or solvent there is a cost in that we create a double layer (electrode)which has a small but often measureable potential We call this potential a junction potential
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5 separate events must occur: -O must be successfully transported from bulk solution(mass transport) -O must adsorb transiently onto electrode surface (non-faradaic) CT must occur between electrode and (faradaic)
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Net flow of electrons from MNet flow of electrons from to solute solute to m .Ef more negative than Eredox more positive than Eredox more cathodic more anodic
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Desired voltage achieved by anode cathode stacking cells (in series) Fuel reformer Natural gas, alcohol
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