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Customary international law is an enigma It is produced by the decentralized actions of states, and it generally lacks centralized enforcement mechanisms. Political science realists and some rationalist legal scholars argue that customary international law cannot affect state behavior: that it is\epiphenomenal.\ This article develops a model of an n-player prisoner's dilemma in the customary international law context that shows that it is plausible that states would comply with customary international law under certain
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This report gives first of all an overview of Dutch registration procedures and practises with regard to domain names(A ). It lists the key players in the Dutch domain name registration procedure and gives a description of the domain name registration procedure. Than a short remark on the qualification of the\right\in a registered domain name is given and the
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Readers are reminded that this work is protected by copyright. While they are free to use the ideas expressed in it, they may not copy, distribute or publish the work or part of it, in any form, printed, electronic or otherwise, except for reasonable quoting, clearly indicating the source. Readers are permitted to make copies, electronically or printed, for personal and classroom use
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Although the title of this paper may seem extremely broad, a very particular topic is addressed in this paper. It focuses on the extent to which the Dutch legal order recognises norms of constitutional and international law as binding not only on the legislative
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According to the Questionna ire the following relevant questions were to be addressed I. Concepts and definitions I. Constitutional and legal status of Head of State, Head of Govemment and ministers in relation to national and international crim inal law Ill. Responsibility of Head of State, Head of Government and Minister(s) for criminal acts or om issions committed by their subord ina tes, i. e civil servants IV. Distinctions between governmental (official)and personal crim inal
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Researching Public International Law ARTHUR W. DIAMOND LAW LIBRARY Researching Public International Law Written by Kent McKeever Last Updated June 24, 2003 Table of Contents Background Definitions of International Law Institutions Involved in the Process Identification of Authoritative Texts How International Law Texts are Created General Introductory Materials
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bribery in international commercial transactions Aspects of corruption: its roots and consequences Several questions arise in connection with the increased interest in action against corruption at both the national and international levels. In such interest due to the higher occurrence of corrupt practices, higher detection rates or lower levels of (public, official and business)
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打印机是办公自动化中重要的输出设备之一。 用户可以通过简单的操作,利用打印机把制作 的各种类型的文档适时地输出到纸张或有关介 质上,从而便于在不同场合传送、阅读和保存 目前,办公常用的打印机按工作方式分类,有 针式打印机、喷墨打印机和激光打印机
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§1-1 概述 §1-2 逻辑代数中的三种基本运算 §1-3 逻辑代数的基本公式和常用公式 §1-4 逻辑代数的基本定理 §1-5 逻辑函数及其表示方法 §1-6 逻辑函数的公式化简法 §1-7 逻辑函数的卡诺图化简法 §1-8 具有无关项的逻辑函数及其化简
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7—4梁的变形 7—5用积分法求弯曲变形 7—6用叠加法求弯曲变形·梁的刚度条件 7—7组合变形和叠加原理 7—8简单超静定梁的解法 7—9梁的刚度校核·提高梁刚度的措施
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