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2006年6月15日,某某县公安局杨芳派出所得到群众举报线索,经请示分管局领导 同意,该所所长王某某、指导员叶某某等四人前往福建省晋江市清阳镇追捕在逃犯罪嫌疑 人孔某某,调查本辖区一起组织妇女卖淫案的涉嫌人员陈某某(孔、陈二人在晋江打工) 6月16日下午到达清阳镇,在未与当地公安机关取得联系的情况下即开展工作。经传唤本 辖区来清阳打工人员孔某某、陈某某
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一、是指植物的茎、叶具有发达的贮水组织,是呈现肥厚而多浆的变态状植物。 二、包括仙人掌科、番杏科、景天科、大戟科、萝摩科、菊科、百合科、凤梨科、龙舌兰科、马齿苋科、葡萄科、鸭跖草科、酢浆草科、牛儿苗科、葫芦科等植物。 三、仅仙人掌科就有140余属,2000种以上,为了管理方便,常将仙人掌科植物另列一类,为仙人掌类植物;而将仙人掌科之外的其它科的多浆植物(约55科),称为多浆植物。或两者通称为多浆植物
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一、促成和抑制栽培的意义 二、花卉促成和抑制栽培的途径 三、促成和抑制栽培的方法
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产权的结构及产权制度的起源 产权的结构:使用权、收益权、处置权 产权制度的起源与演进:公地的悲剧、印 第安人案例。 建立与运用产权的费用:界定和管理产权 的费用;就权力的交换和转让进行谈判 和执行协议的费用
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Total Quality Management (TQM) Theory of Process Management The Theory of Control Charts Common Cause Variation Vs Special Cause Variation Control Charts for the Proportion of Nonconforming Items Process Variability Control charts for the Mean and the Range
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Component Factors of the Time-Series Model Smoothing of Data Series Moving Averages Exponential Smoothing Least Square Trend Fitting and Forecasting Linear, Quadratic and Exponential Models Autoregressive Models Choosing Appropriate Models Monthly or Quarterly Data
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Types of Regression Models Determining the Simple Linear Regression Equation Measures of Variation in Regression and Correlation Assumptions of Regression and Correlation Residual Analysis and the Durbin-Watson Statistic Estimation of Predicted Values Correlation Measuring the Strength of the Association
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The Completely Randomized Model One-Factor Analysis of Variance F-Test for Difference in c Means The Tukey-Kramer Procedure ANOVA Assumptions The Factorial Design Model: Two-Way Analysis of Variance Examine Effect of Factors and Interaction Kruksal-Wallis Rank Test for Differences in c Medians
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一、基本概念 1、 Sample Statistic(样本统计量) Any number computed from sample data random variable. Known
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一、数据集合 Measurements of items e.g., Yearly sales volume for your 23 salespeople e.g., Cost and number produced, daily, for the past month 二、基本单元 The items being measured e.g., Salespeople, Days, Companies, Catalogs, . 三、变量 The type of measurement being done e.g., Sales volume, Cost, Productivity, Number of defects
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