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第一章: 选择题: 1、A2.a3.c4.a5.b6.A 第二章: 选择题: 1B2.C3.A(不确定)4.B 第三章: 1.c2.b3.d4.c5.b6.b
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Eukaryotic Chromosomes are composed of DNA, Histone and Nonhistone Proteins Histones: H1 H2A. H2 B, H3, H4. The later 4 form nucleosomes(100 A)and thus called core histones. H1 plays a role in forming 300 A superhelix Histones are rich in basic amino acids Nonhistone proteins play a variety of functions
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What is Packaging? 1. A definition of packaging Packaging is best described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, distribution, storage, retailing, and use of the goods 2. The many things a package might be asked to do Packaging is a complex, dynamic, scientific, artistic, and controversial business function Fundamental function of packaging: contain protects/preserves transports informs/sells
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Directions: This part is to test you listening ability. It consists of 3 sections Section a: Conversations Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each mersation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only ONCE. After each question there will be a pause During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide
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3.1 What is learning? Are they instances of learning? (1) A young child takes his first steps. (2) An adolescent male feels a strong attraction to certain females. (3) A child feels anxious when he sees the doctor coming with a needle. (4) Long after learning how to multiply, a girl realizes on her own that another way to multiply by 5 is to divided by 2 and multiply by 10(e.g. 428×5 can by figured as follows:428/2=214 ×10=2140)
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一、基本概念 1.数集的相关概念: (1)邻域:设a∈R,δ>0。满足绝对值不等式|x-a<的全体实数x的集合称为点a的δ邻域,记作U(a,),或简单地记为U(a)
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A套试题会计学部分(10分) 1、简述借贷记帐法有什么特点。(3分) 2、根据甲企业在某月发生的部分业务编制会计分录。(7分) (1)王军从外地出差归来,报销差旅费1250元,原预借1400元。(1分) (2)为生产甲A产品购入A材料,不含税价款计10000元,增值税税率为17%,材料已验收入库,价款已付。(2分) (3)销售完工的甲A产品,含税价款计46800元,增值税税率为17%,价款尚未收到。对方开来一张期限半年,年利率10%的商业承况汇票抵付上述价款。(3分)
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1.子式:在A中,选取k行与k列,位于交叉处的k2个数按照原来的相对位置构成k阶行列式,称为A的一个k阶子式,记作Dk对于给定的k,不同的k阶子式总共有C个 2.矩阵的秩:在A中,若 (1)有某个r阶子式D≠0; (2)所有的r+1阶子式D+1=0(如果有r+1阶子式的话) 称A的秩为r,记作 rankA=r,或者r(A)=r.规定: rankO=0性质:(1) rankA min{m,n}
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6-2相量法的基本知识 一、复数 (1)代数形式A=a+jba—实部b—虚部 a=R[A]=R[a+jb]R取实部 b=m=mla+jm取虚部 一个复数可以表示在复平面上
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高等数学第十章习题 一、选择填空 1、已知曲面的方程为x2+y2+z2=a2,则(x2+y2+z2)dS=() (A)0(B)2ma4(C)4ma4(D)6a4 2、已知=(x+ay)i+y为某一二元函数的梯度,则a=() (x+y)2 (A)-1(B)0(C)1D)2 3、已知f(u)为连续函数,则(x2+y2)dy=()
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