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通常,C库以一组函数开始,但是还有比这些代 表行为和动作的涵数更重要的东西,就是一组表 达相近特性的数据,即结构。 C库中都有各自定义的一组结构和一组作用在这 些结构之上的函数
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7.7.1基本概念 1.软件可靠性的定义 定义1软件可靠性(software reliability)是指软件在规定的运行环境中和规定的时间内无失效运行的概率|ANS91]。所以它是时间t的函数,我们用R(t)来表示
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一、软件需求分析的意义 二、需求分析的步骤 三、需求规格说明书SRS 四、需求分析方法学 五、结构化分析方法
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近年来,我国互联网立法速度加快,这对于规范互联网发展无疑有其积极 的意义。但不少规章在设定法律责任方面存在合法性缺陷,笔者认为这种现象 值得引起重视,并采取措施改变
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1.掌握金融市场的概念,掌握金融市场的基本要素、动作流程、功能和类型。 2.熟练掌握各种金融工具的概念、特点及其有价证券价格的确定。 3.了解证券市场的构成、组织和交易程序。 4.了解金融衍生工具的概念,掌握期货、期权交易的一般知识。 5.了解金融投资的风险性及其资产组合的意义
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第一节 丙酮酸发酵概述 第二节 营养条件对光滑球拟酵母WSH-IP12生产丙酮酸的影响 第三节 维生素在丙酮酸过量合成中的重要作用 第四节 丙酮酸分批发酵的供氧控制模式 第五节 丙酮酸发酵过程的代谢网络分析 第六节 丙酮酸发酵的逐级放大和中间试验
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Teaching Notes: Minnesotas Basketball Cheating Scanda Synopsis The St. Paul Pioneer Press, in a three-month investigation in 1999, uncovered widespread academ ic cheating among University of Minnesota basketball players. When the paper
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This study examines the relationship between the extent of initial public offering (IPO) underpricing and market sentiment surrounding technology issues listing on the Australian Stock Exchange(AsX) during 1999 and 2000. We consider hype surrounding these issues as reflected in the media and as reflected in the market 's sentiment towards recent offerings by similar firms We also consider the relationship between technology firms' need for follow-on offerings due to
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The provision of mass media content over next-generation 3G mobile networks is envi- sioned as an exciting new application of new media. This paper focuses on the mobile Internet as strategic challenge for media and entertainment companies. It provides an overview of distinctive features of the mobile Internet related to personalization, time and location sensitivity, uncertainties b echnology push and market pull, and motiva- tions for engagemer
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