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概念类 gn_3_1 有效挤压面 挤压面面积在垂直于总挤压力作用线平面上的投影。(F 书 P.56 图3—14 第一个图与 L 书 p.64 图 2.45 第二、三两个图组合) gn_3_2.剪切 相距很近的两个平行平面内,分别作用着大小相等、方向相对(相反)的两个力,当这两个力相互平行错动并保持间距不变地作用在结构上时,结构中在这两个平行面间的任一(平行)横截面将只有剪力作用,并产生剪切变形
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实验目的 1、了解最短路的算法及其应用 2、会用 Matlab软件求最短路 实验内容 1、图论的基本概念 2、最短路问题及其算法 3、最短路的应用 4、建模案例:最优截断切割问题 5、实验作业
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行遍性问题 一、中国邮递员问题 (一)欧拉图 (二)中国邮递员问题 二、推销员问题 (一)哈密尔顿图 (二)推销员问题 三、建模案例:最佳灾情巡视路线
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教学目标: 1、通过学习学生能够认识目前存在的环境问题,树立保护环境的意识。 2、培养学生运用所学知识综合分析问题的能力 3、培养学生利用网络进行自主学习的能力。 4、培养学生的合作意识。 教学环境:网络教室 课时:两课时
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 ---技术创新过程  ---技术创新分类  ---技术创新动力源  ---技术创新影响因素  ---技术创新的扩散  ---技术创新与经济增长  ---技术创新与产业结构
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System compensation is the process of designing a controller that will produce an acceptable transient response while maintaining a desired steady-state accuracy .These two design objectives are conflicting in most systems ,since small errors imply high gains reduce system stability and may even drive the system unstable .Compensation may be thought of as the process of increasing the stability of a system without reducing its accuracy below minimum acceptable standards
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3.1 Introduction 3.2 Typical test signals for time response of control systems 3.3 First –Order Systems 3.4 Performance of a Second-Order System 3.5 Concept of Stability 3.6 The Relative Stability of Feedback Control Systems
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1 Introduction 2 Deterministic Dynamic Programming and Viscosity Solutions 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Value Functions are Viscosity Solutions 2.3 Comparison and Uniqueness 3 Stochastic Control 3.1 Some Probability Theory 3.2 Controlled State Space Models 3.3 Filtering 3.4 Dynamic Programming - Case I : Complete State Information 3.5 Dynamic Programming - Case II : Partial State Information 3.6 Two Continuous Time Problems 4 Robust Control 4.1 Introduction and Background 4.2 The Standard Problem of H∞ Control 4.3 The Solution for Linear Systems 4.4 Risk-Sensitive Stochastic Control and Robustness 5 Optimal Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 5.1 Preliminaries 5.2 The Feedback Control Problem 5.3 Conditional Dynamics 5.4 Optimal Control 5.5 Appendix: Formulas for the Two-State System with Feedback Example 6 Optimal Risk-Sensitive Feedback Control of Quantum Systems 6.1 System Model
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Frequency response is the analysis of the response of systemswhen subjected to a sinusoidal change in input. When a linear system is subjected to a sinusoidal input, its ultimate response is also a sustained sinusoidal wave, with the same frequency. The figure below compares the output response of a system (solid line) with a sinusoidal input (dashed line) disturbing the system
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