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Often in multiple-effect evaporators the concentration of the liquid being evaporated changes drastically from effect to effect, especially in the latter effects. In such cases, this phenomenon can be used to advantage by staging one or more of the latter effects. Staging is the operation of an effect by maintaining
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The solids-liquid separation process can be accomplished by filtration or centrifugation. Centrifuges magnify the force of gravity to separate phases, solids from liquids or one liquid from another. There are two general types of centrifuges: Sedimentation Centrifuges-where a heavy phase settles out from a lighter phase
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Historically, sterile bulk pharmaceutical manufacturing processes, prior to filling operations, have followed general bulk pharmaceutical guidelines. As technology and equipment have improved
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The widespread use of advanced control and process automation for biochemical applications has been lagging as compared with industries such as refining and petrochemicals whose feedstocks are relatively easy to characterize and whose chemistry is well understood and whose measure￾ments are relatively
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The purpose ofthis chapter is to review various forms of solids dryers and auxiliary components. It is intended to be a practical guide to dryer selection (as opposed to the theory of drying, which is addressed in various technical manuals referenced in the bibliography). From a microscopic
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Copyright 8 1997 by Noyes Publications No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 96-29055 Printed in the United States
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BIOREACTORS FOR PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURES (by Shinsaku Takayama) ...... 3.1 Background of the Technique-Historical Overview
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导论 第一章 比较法的概念 第二章 比较法的研究方法 第三章 法律文明的多样性 第四章 法律文明的分类 第五章 法律文化的互动 第六章 法律制度的移植 第七章 世界法律发展的趋势 第八章 中西法律传统比较 第九章 法律自治比较 第十章 法律教育比较
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一、 什么是越轨 社会成员偏离或违反现存的社会规范的行为。 注意:指现存的社会规范:为什么是现存的:(1)动态的。(2) 地域限制。 前面第二章文化部分学习过,社会规范是动态的,它随时间的变 化而变化,从而人们对行为是否违规的认定,也会发生变化。 因此:在理解该定义时,用现存限定一下较好
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perceive [ pE5si:v ]察觉;感知(to become aware of through the senses) [助记法] per(全部)+ceive (拿住)-全部拿住- 发觉 implore [ im5plC: ]恳求, 哀求(to ask for or beg earnestly for) [助记法]im(进入)+plore(悲哀)-进入悲哀-哀 求
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