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一阶必要条件 定理1:若(1)x*是等式约束问题的局部最优解; (2)f(x)与c(x)(i=1,2,)在x的某邻域内连续可微; (3)c,(x)(i=1,2,)线性无关;
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I guess I have to come out to reply to those who concern with the nature rate of unemployment. First, What is the natural rate of unemployment? It is assumed to be the unemployment rate at the steady state or equilibrium. Note that equilibrium here is not referred to the common demand-supply equilibrium, but to a state at which things are not changed, or remain the same. More specifically, suppose we can have an economy that could be expressed by the following dynamic system
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12.1 简单I/O扩展 12.2 可编程I/O接口芯片扩展 12.3 8255A方式0输入输出实验
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几点说明 一、主要教学参考书有 二、面向21世纪《结构力学I》 三、龙驭球等编的《结构力学教程I 四、李廉坤等编的《结构力学》 五、杨弗康等编的《结构力学》
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模拟 I/O 与数字 I/O 1-12 计数器应用(上) 13-18 计数器应用(下) 18-23 定时与触发 23-30
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平推流反应器 Piston Flow Reactor (PFR) 活塞流模型或理想置换模型 This type of units is illustrated in the following figure. This reactor consists of a tube inside which the reaction medium flows. This makes i t t h e s i m p l e s t s t r u c t u r e conceivable f or a continuou s o p e r a ti o n s ys t em . Th e h ea t exchange necessary to add heat to the system or to remove it generally occurs ac ros s the tube wall
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随机向量的定义: 设 {ξ i(ω)} i =1, 2,\, n 是定义在同一个概率空间 (Ω,F, P) 上 的 n 个 随 机 变 量 , 则 称 ( ) ( ( ), ( ), , ( )) ξ ω = ξ 1 ω ξ 2 ω \ ξ n ω 为 n维随机向量或 n 维随 机变量
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Pesticide Analytical Manual Vol. I Transmittal No. 2000-1 (10/1999) Form FDA 2905a (6/92) PESTICIDE ANALYTICAL MANUAL VOLUME I 3rd Edition, 1994 Revised, September, 1996 Revised, October, 1997 Revised, October 1999 EDITORIAL STAFF
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1.1 引言 投资组合( P o r t f o l i o )管理的目的是:按照投资者的需求,选择各种各样的证券和其他资产 组成投资组合,然后管理这些投资组合,以实现投资的目标。投资者的需求往往是根据风险 (r i s k)来定义的,而投资组合管理者的任务则是在承担一定风险的条件下,使投资回报率 (r e t u r n)实现最大化
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定理 3-1:对于固定信道,平均互信息 I(X;Y) 是信源概率分布 p(x)的∩型凸函 数。 定理 3-2:对于固定信源分布,平均互信息 I(X;Y)是信道传递概率 p(y|x)的∪型凸函 数。 定理 3-3:设离散信道的输入序列 X= (X1X2…XN)通过信道传输,接收到的随机序 列为 Y=( Y1Y2…YN),而信道的转移概率为 p(y∣x)
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