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This chapter was written so I would have something to talk about on the first day of class. I wanted to give students an idea of what economics was all about, and what my lectures would be like, and yet not have anything that was really critical for the course. (At Michigan, students are still shopping around on the first day, and a good number of them won’t necessarily be at the lecture.)
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一、实验目的 1. 学习和掌握三相异步电动机的启动特性 二、实验内容及步骤 : 本实验利用交流电流表或万用表测量三相异步电动机的输入电流(如图 1-1 I1 和 I2 两 点之间的电流)。从而得出三相异步动机的启动特性。 实验步骤 :
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关于本章内容:属于分析力学体系 矢量力学(矢量物理量:F,i,a,O,a,F,M,动量K,动量矩) 牛顿( Newton,1642-1727)——牛顿三定律 分析力学(标量物理量:广义坐标9,广义速度i,能量 T,V,功W) 拉格朗日(j-l. Lagrange,1736-1813 13)虚位移原理 本章将虚位移原理用于静力学平衡问题
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9.1 设真实模型为无截距模型: Y X u i i = + 2 2 回归分析中却要求截距项不能为零,于是,有人采用的实证分析回归模型为:
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Eco514 Game Theory Lecture 14: General Extensive Games Marciano Siniscalchi November 10, 1999 Introduction [By and large, I will follow OR, Chapters 11 and 12, so I will keep these notes to a minimum.] Games with observed actions and payoff uncertainty Not all dynamic models of strategic interaction fit within the category of games with observed actions we have developed in the previous lectures. In particular, no allowance was made
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一、两部门经济的国民收入核算恒等式 1、从总支出角度,国民收入的构成为: Y=GDP=C+I 2、从总收入角度,国民收入的构成为: Y=GDP=C+S 3、国民收入核算恒等式: I =S
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1向量的定义 定义n个有次序的数a1,a2,…,an所组成的 数组称为n维向量这n个数称为该向量的分量 第i个数a称为第i个分量 分量全为实数的向量称为实向量 分量全为复数的向量称为复向量
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2. 直流传输特性曲线 c区:νI 0(小),A′→B点
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1. Who am I? Chris Wallace, Lecturer at the Department of Economics, Oxford University and Fellow in Economics at Trinity College. 2. What do I do? Teach economics and research in the field of game theory. 3. Who are you? First year students taking either the Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) degree
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§3 初等函数 §1 复变函数积分的概念
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