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Statistical Thinking and Management Descriptive versus Inferential Statistics Types of Data and their Sources Types of Sampling Methods Types of Survey Errors
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一、基本抽样问题 1 基本概念 2 制定抽样计划的步骤 3 抽样误差与非抽样误差 4 概率抽样方法 5 非概率抽样方法
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一、集中趋势(Central Tendency) 1, What is the most typical value? The Average: typical value for quantitative data The Weighted Average: Adjusting for importance The Median: typical value for quantitative and ordinal data The Mode: typical value even for nominal data 2, What percentile is it? Extremes, Quartiles, and Box Plots The Cumulative distribution function displays the percentiles
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一、假设检验的基本概念 二、One- Sample Tests(单样本检验)
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Testing with Rank Sum Z Test for Differences in Two Proportions (Independent Samples) x2Test for Differences in Two Proportions (Independent Samples) x2Test for Differences in c Proportions (Independent Samples) x2Test of Independence
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The Multiple Regression Model Contribution of Individual Independent Variables Coefficient of Determination Categorical Explanatory Variables Transformation of Variables Model Building
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The Payoff Table and Decision Trees Opportunity Loss Criteria for Decision Making Expected Monetary Value Expected Profit Under Certainty Return to Risk Ratio Decision Making with Sample Information Utility
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To detine multivariate analysis. To describe multiple regression analysis and multiple discriminant analysis. To learn about factor analysis and cluster analysis. gain an appreciation of perceptua mapping. To develop an understanding of conjoint analysis
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一、填空题 1、我国目前治安管理的方针是:“党委领导,依靠群众,,管理从严,及时打击,保障安全。 二、单项选择 1、“二十四字”方针第一次提出是在()年。 A、1980B、1956 C、1978 D、1982
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一、填空题 1、制造民用枪支的企业,由核发民用枪支制造许可证件。 2、国家对枪支的制造、配售实行制度;未经许可,任何单位和个人不得制造、买卖枪支。 3、国家对制造、配售民用枪支的数量,实行管理
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