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第一节 植物病害的概念 第二节 病害的症状 第三节 病原生物的寄生性和致病性 第四节 侵染过程和病害循环 第五节 植物的抗病性 第六节 植物病理学简史
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铁铝土是热带亚热带地区的主要土壤类 型。包括砖红壤、赤红壤、红壤和黄壤 等土类。 北起长江两岸,南至南海诸岛,东起台 湾、澎湖列岛,西达云贵高原及横断山 脉。涉及十四个省区,面积约15.28亿亩。 约占全国土地总面积的15%。是我国重 要的土壤资源
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上一章讨论的局域网是单个的同种协议网,即网络中每台机器对应层所用协议相同,通信 是在同一个网络内不同主机之间进行的。而所谓“网络互连”,就是采用各种网络互连设备将 同一类型的网络或不同类型的网络相互连接起来,形成所谓“ internet“(互连网络),使一个 网络上的主机能与另一网络上的主机相互通信。因特网( Internet)是世界上最大的 internet 此外,为了保证网络的传输性能、可靠性及安全性,一般要求一个网络所管理的范围不要 太大,这就要求把一个大的网络分解成若干个较小的子网,通过网络互连技术,形成所谓的 Intranet(内部互连网),以便隔离故障,提高安全保密性,方便网络管理
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任何一台机器的设计,除了运动分析、结构设计、强度、刚度计算外,还要进行精度设 计。研究机器的精度时,要处理好机器的使用要求与制造工艺的矛盾。解决的方法是规定合 理的公差,并用检测手段保证其贯彻实施。由此可见,“公差”在生产中是非常重要的
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Network is divided into several smaller subnetworks Each subnetwork(subnet) has its own subnetwork address Hierarchy in IP addressing IP addresses are designed with two levels of hierarchy
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Mobile IP Discussion Overview Will cover: Why IP routing breaks under mobility Mobile IPv44 basics Some low-level- protocol details(message formats, headers, etc.) Lots more detail in the specifications(see RFC)
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Introduction X Presents the sequence of steps a programmer takes to first create a conventional program and then divide the program into local and remote components w Uses an example application to show the output from rpcgen and additional code required to create the client and server components of a distributed program that uses rpc
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Introduction Continues the discussion of middleware (i.e., tools and libraries programmers used to construct client-server software) Y Introduces the remote procedure call (RPC) concept, and describes a particular implementation of an rpc that uses XDr standard for data representation
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Introduction Examines a de facto standard for external data representation and presentation as well as a set of library procedures used to perform data conversion Describes the general motivations for using an external data representation and the details of one particular implementation
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