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3.1 Introduction Vitamins are classically defined as a group of organic compounds required in very small amounts for the normal development and functioning of the body. They are not synthesised by the body, or only in insufficient amounts, and are mainly obtained through food (Machlin and Huni, 1994). There are thirteen vitamins: four are fat-soluble, namely vitamins A (retinol)
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Prelog Strain: van der Waals interactions Baeyer Strain: bond angle distortion away from the ideal Pitzer Strain: torsional rotation about a sigma bond Baeyer Strain for selected ring sizes size of ring Ht of Combustion
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Theory & Modeling of Stereoselective Organic Reactions (Handout) Epoxidation & Directed Epoxidation Hydrogenation Hydride Reduction
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Classification of Functional Groups Each substituent attached to carbon activates that carbon toward a polar reaction by either resonance or induction or both. Induction
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Chemistry 206 Advanced Organic Chemistry Handout 27A Vicinal Elimination Reactions: An Overview Matthew D. Shair Wednesday
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Sulfur-Based Activating Groups Sulfur-Ylides Sulfur-Stabilized Carbanions: Structure Sulfone-Based Transformations Pummerer Rearrangement
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Tautomerism in C=O and C=NR Systems C=O Enolization with Metal Amide Bases C=O Enolization: Kinetic Acidities Mild Methods for Enolate Generation Enolate Structure: A Survey of X-ray Structures
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Reading Assignment for week Olefin Addition Reactions: Part–3 Chemistry 206 Advanced Organic Chemistry
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Reading Assignment for week: Carey & Sundberg: Part A; Chapter 11 Concerted Pericyclic Reactions Pericyclic Reactions: Part–2 Chemistry 206 Advanced Organic Chemistry
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Advanced Organic Chemistry Handout–10A Diastereoselective Attack of Electrophiles on Chiral Olefins Matthew D. Shair Wednesday
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