Chapter 2 Representative Carbon Compounds Functional Groups, IntermofeculexFodce, and Infrared (R), spectroscopy
Chapter 2 Representative Carbon Compounds: Functional Groups, Intermolecular Force, and Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 2 2.1 Carbon-Carbon Covalent Bonds Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 2 2.1 Carbon-Carbon Covalent Bonds
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 2 g Carbon 's ability to form strong covalent bonds to other carbon atoms is the single property of the carbon atom that- more than any other -accounts for the existence of a field of study called organic chemistr o Carbon's ability to form as many as four strong bonds to other carbon atoms and to form strong bonds to hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen atoms as well provides the necessary versati Utility of structure that makes possible the vast number of different molecules required for complex living organisms o Functional groups: The structural features that make it possible to classify compounds by reactivity. A functional group is a part of a larger molecule and is composed of an atom or a group of atoms that have a characteristic chemical behavior Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 2 Carbon’s ability to form strong covalent bonds to other carbon atoms is the single property of the carbon atom that — more than any other—accounts for the existence of a field of study called organic chemistry. Carbon’s ability to form as many as four strong bonds to other carbon atoms, and to form strong bonds to hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen atoms as well, provides the necessary versatility of structure that makes possible the vast number of different molecules required for complex living organisms. Functional groups: The structural features that make it possible to classify compounds by reactivity. A functional group is a part of a larger molecule and is composed of an atom or a group of atoms that have a characteristic chemical behavior
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 2 2.2 Hydrocarbons: Representative Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatic Compounds Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 2 2.2 Hydrocarbons: Representative Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, and Aromatic Compounds
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 2 o Hydrocarbons are compounds whose molecules contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms o Alkanes: molecules do not have multiple bonds between carbon atoms g Alkenes: molecules have a carbon-carbon double bond o Alkynes: molecules with a carbon-carbon triple bond o aromatic hydrocarbons: molecules contain a special ring Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 2 Hydrocarbons, are compounds whose molecules contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms. Alkanes: molecules do not have multiple bonds between carbon atoms. Alkenes: molecules have a carbon-carbon double bond. Alkynes: molecules with a carbon-carbon triple bond Aromatic hydrocarbons: molecules contain a special ring
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 2 Methane Ethene Ethyne (an alkane (an alkene) an alkyne Benzene (a representative aromatic hydrocarbon) Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 2 Methane (an alkane) Ethene (an alkene) Ethyne (an alkyne) Benzene (a representative aromatic hydrocarbon)
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 2 2, 3 Polar Covalent bonds H-CI a dipole Dipole moment(偶极矩) H-CI Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 2 2.3 Polar Covalent bonds H Cl δ− δ+ A dipole Dipole moment (偶极矩) H Cl
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 2 2.4 Polar and Nonpolar Molecules Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 2 2.4 Polar and Nonpolar Molecules
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Chapter 2 Cl H H CH CH 3 CH 3 C-C C-C CH trans-2-butene ciS-2-butene (D) 0 0.25 mp(C)-106 139 bp c) Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University
ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University Chapter 2 C C CH3 CH3 H H C C CH3 H H CH3 trans-2-butene cis-2-butene mp(°C) −106 −139 bp(°C) 1 4 µ (D) 0 0.25