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中国科学院:CERN专题计算学校《T-CSC数据存储》课程教学资源(讲义)Optimizing existing large codebase-pres
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1 Why python and C++ Pros and Cons of each language Respective usecases 2 C ++getting usable Language “simplifications” Making bad code harder to write 3 Performant C++ New performance related features Templates Avoiding virtuality when possible 4 Migrating from Python 2 to python 3 Tour of python 3 changes How to support both versions How to migrate 5 Conclusion
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1 Introduction 2 Measuring vectorization 3 Vectorization Prerequisite 4 Vectorizing techniques in C++ Autovectorization Inline assembly Intrinsics Compiler extensions Libraries 5 What to expect ?
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Intro Threading Safety Solutions 1 Introduction and expectations Scope : what is parallelism ? Finding parallelism Expectations 2 Threading, theory and practice Processes and threads Python threading C ++threading and async 3 Thread-safety issues Data races Thread safety 4 Thread-safety solutions Avoid the problem Replicate Atomics Locking
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1. IO system • What do you know already? • IOPS, bandwidth, latency & blocksize • media and their characteristics • cache & IO optimisation strategies • how to debug IO problems 2. Redundancy Technology • Parity for RAID technology 3. Cloud Storage Technology • Scalability, Hashing, Indexing,, Deduplication
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吉林大学:《数量经济软件选讲》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)EViews基础——第5章 基本数据处理
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河北大学:《数据结构》课程教学资源(习题解答)第二章 线性表
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