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13.1 Conformal Mapping: Cauchy's Theorem (保角映射:柯西定理) Recall Stability Problem: To determine the relative stability of a closed-loop system we must investigate the characteristic equation of the system
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Module 12 Frequency Response and Nyquist Diagram
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(P173)In this section the concepts outlined previously will be developed further into some straightforward guidelines for plotting more complex root loci, which will be f llustrated by focusing on a specific example Root locus: (review of previous lecture)
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Summary of rules for plotting root locus Rule #l The starting points and the End points of the root locus(根轨迹的起点和终点) Rule #2 The Segments of the Root Locus on the Real axis(实轴上的根轨迹)
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1.1 Introduction to Automatic Control Automatic Control Systems permeate life in all advanced societies today. Technological develop- ments have made it possible to travel to the moon; explore outer space. And
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《自动控制原理》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Module 2-examples
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控制电机:在自动控制系统中作为检测、放大和 执行功能,其功率都较小;其工作原理与前面所 叙述的电机的原理一样,只是在性能上的要求不 同;对控制电动机的要求主要有:运行可靠、响 应快、精确度高等;控制电机的种类非常之多
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「微控电机在本质上和我们以前所讲的普通 电机并没有区别,只是他们的侧重点不同而 已:普通旋转电机主要是进行能量变换,要 求有较高的力能指标;而控制电机主要是 对控制信号进行传递和变换,要求有较高 的控制性能,如要求反应快、精度高、运 行可靠等等。控制电机因其各种特殊的控 制性能而常在自动控制系统中作为执行元 件、检测元件和解算元件
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