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Chapter 1 ntroduction to matlaB This book is an introduction to two subjects: MATLAB and numerical computing This first chapter introduces MATLAB by presenting several programs that inves tigate elementary, but interesting, mathematical problems. If you already have some experience programming in another language, we hope that you can see how MATLAB works by simply studying these programs
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例1-1-1 HTML示例 欢迎访问! /BODY> 例1-2-1:
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汇编语言是直接在硬件之上工作的编程语言,首先要了解硬件系统的结构,才能有效 地应用汇编语言对其编程。在本章中,对硬件系统结构的问题进行一部分的探讨,以使后 续的课程可在-个好的基础上进行。当课程进行到要补充新的基础知识关于编程结构或 其他的)时候,冉对相关的基础知识进行介绍和探讨。本书的原则是,以后用到的知识,以 后再说
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背诵篇章 01 The Language of Music A painter hangs his or her finished pictures on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly dependent on them. A student of music needs as long and as arduous a training to become
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第8章高级汇编技术 81宏汇编 8.2重复汇编和条件汇编 8.3汇编语言与高级语言的混合编程
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第9章程序设计的一些编程技巧 9.1表处理程序设计 9.2代码转换程序 9.3算术运算 9.4数值分析
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第7章复杂汇编程序设计 7.1结构 7.2记录 7.3联合 7.4应用举例
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第5章基本结构程序设计 5.1程序设计的一般过程 5.2顺序结构程序设计 5.3分支程序设计 5.4循环程序设计 5.5字符处理
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第3章寻址方式和指令系统 3.1寻址方式 3.2指令系统
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第1章基础知识 1.1微型计算机系统的发展 1.2汇编语言程序设计 1.3数据表示方法 1.4结果的输出与打印
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