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Aircraft Lateral dynamics Using a procedure similar to the longitudinal case, we can develop the equations of motion for the lateral dynamics
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Recall from 6-2 that the derivative stability derivative terms zai, and Mi ended up on the lhs as modifications to the normal mass and Inertia terms displaced air is \entrained\and moves with the aircraf rounding These are the apparent mass effects- some of the sur Acceleration derivatives quantify this effect Significant for blimps, less so for aircraft e Main effect: rate of change of the normal velocity w causes a transient
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Matrix Diagonalization Suppose a is diagonizable with independent eigenvectors use similarity transformations to diagonalize dynamics matrix
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Note can develop good approximation of key aircraft motion(Phugoid) using simple balance between kinetic and potential energies. Consider an aircraft in steady, level flight with speed U and height ho. The motion is perturbed slightly so that
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Static stability is all about the initial tendency of a body to return to its equilibrium state after being disturbed To have a statically stable equilibrium point, the vehicle must develop a restoring force/ moment to bring it back to the eq. condition Later on we will also deal with dynamic stability, which is concerned with the time history of the motion after the disturbance
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一、中枢神经系统对氧气的依赖 -<55mmHg病人出现混乱30-55mmHg定向力障碍-<30mmHg昏迷 二、氧疗的目的: 通过增加FiO2改善PaO2通常FiO2控制在0.24-0.5
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第四章 简答题 1、限制多层砌体房屋的总高度和层数的原因是什么? 2、为何控制房屋的最大高宽比? 3、构造柱和芯柱的作用是什么?
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除了传统的数学运算, MATLAB支持关系和逻辑运算。如果你已经有了一些编程经验, 就会对这些运算熟悉。这些操作符和函数的目的是提供求解真/假命题的答案。一个重要的应用是控制基于真/假命题的一系列 MATLAB命令(通常在M文件中)的流程,或执行次序
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3.1M文件 3.2程序控制结构 3.3函数文件 3.4程序举例 3.5程序调试
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