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Part I Fill-In-The-Blanks(10\2=20 points) 1.A is a collection of all accounts used by a business 2. All cash payments by check are recorded in thejournal 3. Revenue and expense accounts are called because they are opene
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Outline Q Describe the purpose of adjusting accounts at the end of the period Q Prepare and explain adjusting entries for prepaid expenses, amortization, unearned revenues, accrued expenses, and accrued revenues。 C Explain how accounting adjustments link to financial statements Q Explain and prepare an adjusted trial
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Task Team of FUNdaMENTAL aCCOUNtIng School of Business. Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 2 Economic Transactions and Accounting equation Exercises 1. Lion Company had a net cash inflow of $80,000 from operating activities. It spent $40,000 on investing activities. Lion Company received $50,000 in cash from issuing stock. Calculate the ease or decrease in cash
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1. David Company has the following information at the year-end for the preparation of adjusting entries: a. Of the $10000 balance in unearned revenue, $7000 has been earned. b. The annual building depreciation is $20000 C. Services provided to customers at the last day of the year unbilled totally 35000. d. Rent of 3000 for the Dec. is unpaid and unrecorded
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FUNDAMENTALACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson5 Completing the Accounting Cycle Exercise Closing entries An adjusted trial balance for Mariposo, Inc., at December 31 appears below. MARIPOSO, INC. Adjusted Trial Balance December 31,2004 Debit Credit Cash
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 8 Accounting Information System Exercise Matching For each numbered item, choose the appropriate journal and write the identifying letter 1. Bought merchandise on account Sales journal 2. Sold merchandise for cash 3. Bought merchandise for cash P Purchases journal 4. Collected accounts receivable and allowed a cash discount 5. Bought store equipment on credit CR Cash receipts journal 6. Recorded accrued wages
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Lesson7 Merchandise Inventories and Cost ofSales Exercise Calculation and Analyzing Problems 1. The perpetual inventory records of LIBY HOUSEHOLD show 150 units of a particular producton hand, acquired at the following dates and costs: Purchase Date Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
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University Lesson 11 Understanding Accounting Standards Exercise Short answer questions 1. Please illuminate the demand for theory and give specific examples from your personal experience 2. What is the purpose of accounting theory? Please discuss from both normative theory and positive theory perspectives
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Lesson 14 Managerial Accounting II: Applications Exercise 1. XYZ Company's most recent contribution format income statement is presented below: Sales 25000 Less: Variable Expenses $15000 Contribution Margin
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True and False Questions: 1. Economic interest maximization and risk aversion are two characteristics of an economic man 2. Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of needs believes that man are resourceful evaluator and maximizer 3. Firm is a coalition of economic men. 4. The economic nature of man gives rise to the emerge of accounting
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