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1 An Excursion into Non-linearity land Motivation: the linear structural (and time series) models cannot explain a number of important features common to much financial data
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常用的经济计量软件 EViews (Econometric Views) RATS (Regression Analysis of Time Series) SAS (Statistical Analysis System) SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) TSP
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一、基本知识 1基本概念 数据 信息 数据处理(Data Processing)是计算机应用中的最大的一个分支。最初指在计算机上加工商业、企业的信息
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Simple Linear assumptions: Regression The relationship should be linear; and The level of data must be continuous Simple Linear Regression The regression equation (Bivariate Regression The purpose of simple linear regression is We already looked at measuring
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Lecture 5 a distribution is a collection of scores order from lowest to highest value on the horizontal (X)axis, and in terms of T-Test frequency on the vertical (Y) axis. A ormal distribution sometimes referred to as a bell curve has a distribution that forms the shape of a bell. All you need to know to plot the normal distribution is the mean and standard deviation of the data This lecture covers
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一、基本概念 1、 Sample Statistic(样本统计量) Any number computed from sample data random variable. Known
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To learn the objectives of questionnaire esign. To understand the role of the questionnaire in the data collection process. To become familiar with the criteria for a good questionnaire. To learn the process for questionnaire design
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Chapter Objective: This chapter serves to introduce the student to the balance of payments. How it is constructed and how balance of payments data may be interpreted
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Air Safety: End of the Golden Age? First-World aviation has become so safe that a passenger who takes a domestic jet flight every day would on average go 36,000 years before succumbing to a fatal crash. But certain aerial dangers that were practically absent from the First World in the 1990s might be poised for a resurgence (Among these hazards are terrorism, mid-air collisions, and ground collisions. We explore recent data about the mortality risk of air travel, and discuss the prospects for the years ahead Arnold barnett
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Presentation outline 1、 Matrices and vectors 2、 Random vector 3. Multivariate data matrix 4. Population mean vector, covariance and correlation
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