第4章问卷设计 Questionnaire Design
第4章 问卷设计 Questionnaire Design
本章概要(1) To learn the objectives of questionnaire design To understand the role of the questionnaire In the data collection process To become familiar with the criteria for a good questionnaire To learn the process for questionnaire design
本章概要(1) • To learn the objectives of questionnaire design. • To understand the role of the questionnaire in the data collection process. • To become familiar with the criteria for a good questionnaire. • To learn the process for questionnaire design
本章概要(2) To become knowledgeable of the three basic forms of questions To understand the key role of the questionnaire in data collection costs To learn the necessary procedures for successful implementation of a survey
本章概要(2) • To become knowledgeable of the three basic forms of questions. • To understand the key role of the questionnaire in data collection costs. • To learn the necessary procedures for successful implementation of a survey
Questionnaire Defined 可卷的定义 A questionnaire is a set of questions designed to generate the data necessary for accomplishing the objectives of the research project 1、问卷是数据收集方法的一般思路; 2、问卷提供了标准化和统一化的数据收集程序; 3、问卷在数据收集过程中起着重要作用
Questionnaire Defined 问卷的定义 A questionnaire is a set of questions designed to generate the data necessary for accomplishing the objectives of the research project. 1、问卷是数据收集方法的一般思路; 2、问卷提供了标准化和统一化的数据收集程序; 3、问卷在数据收集过程中起着重要作用
The Questionnaires Position in the Research Process 可卷在调研过程中的地位 Survey Respondents Obiectives Information Questionnaire Data Analysis Recommendations Managerial
The Questionnaire’s Position in the Research Process 问卷在调研过程中的地位 Questionnaire Survey Objectives Respondent’s Information Data Analysis Findings Recommendations Managerial Action
Criteria for a Good Questionnaire 份优秀问卷的标准 To design a good questionnaire, the following issues should be considered Does it provide the Necessary Decision Does it Consider the Making Respondent? Information? Does it satisfy editing, coding and processing data?
Criteria for a Good Questionnaire 一份优秀问卷的标准 To design a good questionnaire, the following issues should be considered: Does it Provide the Necessary DecisionMaking Information? Does it Consider the Respondent? Does it satisfy editing, coding and processing data?
Editing and Data Processing Requirements 编辑与数据处理的要求 Editing Refers to going through the questionnaire to make certain the skip patterns are followed and required questions are filled out A skip pattern is the sequence in which questions are asked Open- nded Questions(开放式问题) An open-ended question is one that does not contain prerecorded possible responses
Editing and Data Processing Requirements 编辑与数据处理的要求 • Editing – Refers to going through the questionnaire to make certain the skip patterns are followed and required questions are filled out. – A skip pattern is the sequence in which questions are asked. • Open-Ended Questions(开放式问题) – An open-ended question is one that does not contain prerecorded possible responses
The Questionnaire Development Process 间卷的设计过程 Implementation (10 Determine data Collection Methods Determine Question Response Format Prepare Final Copy Determine Survey Objectives and Constraints (1) Decide Question Wording Pretest and Revise Obtain Approval from all relevant Describe Evaluate the artes Questionnaire Flow Questionnaire and and Layout Layout
The Questionnaire Development Process 问卷的设计过程 Determine Survey Objectives and Constraints (1) Determine Data Collection Methods Evaluate the Questionnaire and Layout Describe Questionnaire Flow and Layout Decide Question Wording Determine Question Response Format Obtain Approval from all Relevant Parties Pretest and Revise Prepare Final Copy Implementation (10)
Step One: Determine Survey Objectives, Resources, and Constraints 确定调研目的、来源和限制因素 Survey(information) objectives should be spelled out as clearly and precisely as possible e If this step is completed in a thorough fashion, the rest of the process will follow more smoothly and efficientl CONTROL C
Step One: Determine Survey Objectives, Resources, and Constraints 确定调研目的、来源和限制因素 • Survey (information) objectives should be spelled out as clearly and precisely as possible. • If this step is completed in a thorough fashion, the rest of the process will follow more smoothly and efficiently
Step Two: Determine the Data Collection Method 确定数据收集方法 Chapter 6 discussed the variety of ways that survey data can be gathered, such as in-person telephone, mail, or self-administration Each method will have an impact on survey de esign
Step Two: Determine the Data Collection Method 确定数据收集方法 • Chapter 6 discussed the variety of ways that survey data can be gathered, such as in-person, telephone, mail, or self-administration. • Each method will have an impact on survey design