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Epidemiology 6th leading cause of death in U.S. Number one Among the infectious diseases 6 million patients annually in US Incidence 5~10/1,000/year Mortality in OPD patients 1-5 % but Inpatients 25%, ICU 50-60%
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Lecture 1 Introduction and classification of geometric modeling forms 1.1 Motivation Geometric modeling deals with the mathematical representation of curves, surfaces, and solids necessary in the definition of complex physical or engineering objects. The associated field of computational geometry is concerned with the development, analysis, and computer implemen tation of algorithms encountered in geometric modeling. The objects we are concerned with in engineering range from the simple
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Introduction Some questions you concern: 1 Why should we study English? 2 Why we study physics in English? 3 How about the achievement in final exam? 4 Is it helpful for your future career to study physics in English?
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The medicinal use of plants has been discovered more than 2000 years ago. Greek physician Dioscorides described the use of opium, in which morphine is the main component. In 1806, morphine was isolated from opium. In 1820, quinine was isolated from the bark of the cinchona tree
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Epidemiology of CHD Prevalence CHD occurs in 0.5-0.8% of live births; The incidence is higher among stillborns 死产(3-4%), abortuses流产(10-25%),and premature infants (about 2% excluding PDA); About 2-3 in 1,000 newborn infants will be symptomatic with heart disease in the first year of life
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Purulent Meningitis Acute infection of central nervous system(CNS). 90% of cases occur in the age of 1 mo-5yr. The inflammation of meninges caused by various bacteria. Common features in clinical practices include: fever, increased intracranial pressure, meningeal irritation
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What is FBG? An in-fibre Bragg grating is constructed by varying the refractive index of the core lengthwise along the fibre. Light of the specified wavelength traveling along the fibre is reflected from the grating back in the direction from which it came. Wavelengths which are not selected are passed through with little or no attenuation
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Innovation, Technological Change and Competition Technology refers to the skills, knowledge experience, body of scientific knowledge, tools, computers, machines used in the design and production of goods and services. Ouantum technological change: fundamental shift in technology that results in innovation The Internet and genetic engineering are examples
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I Let L= 1.25 H in Fig. 6-11, and determine v(t)if v(0) 1(02)=20A L 0.05F ig 6-11 For prob. I 2(a)What value of L in the circuit of Fig 6-11 will result in a transient response of the form, v(t)
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In the chapter we shall present an introduction to nonlinear circuit analysis and shall examine a few interesting examples of that are used in practice. The principle of analysis will be emphasized. Graphical solution techniques will be given first. In addition, the basic concept of the phase plane shall be considered
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