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1 Storage devices Existing devices 2 Parallelizing files’ storage Striping Introduction to Map/Reduce 3 Risks of data loss and corruption 4 Data consistency Checksums Practical usage 5 Data safety Redundancy Parity Erasure coding 6 Conclusion
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:559.67KB 文档页数:102
中国科学院:CERN专题计算学校《T-CSC数据存储》课程教学资源(讲义)Data storage and preservation-pres
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:581.73KB 文档页数:124
1 Asynchronous I/O Latency Asynchronous I/O interfaces Message queues 2 I/O optimizations Optimizing network transfers Optimizing local transfers 3 Influence of data structures on I/O Measuring I/O efficiency of algorithms 4 Caching Principles Policies Distributed Caches 5 Conclusion
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1 Measuring Performance What is performance ? Tools available Finding bottlenecks 2 Code modernization 3 Improving Memory Handling Context Containers and memory Container reservation Detecting offending code 4 The nightmare of thread safety Context and constraints Identifying problems Solving problems Thread contention 5 Low level optimizations Scope and target How to measure ? Improving Vectorization promises 6 Conclusion
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:378.44KB 文档页数:61
中国科学院:CERN专题计算学校《T-CSC数据存储》课程教学资源(讲义)Preserving data-pres
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:421.32KB 文档页数:81
中国科学院:CERN专题计算学校《T-CSC数据存储》课程教学资源(讲义)Many ways to store data-pres
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:365.28KB 文档页数:85
中国科学院:CERN专题计算学校《T-CSC数据存储》课程教学资源(讲义)Structuring data for efficient I/O-pres
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:578.85KB 文档页数:86
中国科学院:CERN专题计算学校《T-CSC数据存储》课程教学资源(讲义)Optimizing existing large codebase-pres
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:810.85KB 文档页数:84
1 Why python and C++ Pros and Cons of each language Respective usecases 2 C ++getting usable Language “simplifications” Making bad code harder to write 3 Performant C++ New performance related features Templates Avoiding virtuality when possible 4 Migrating from Python 2 to python 3 Tour of python 3 changes How to support both versions How to migrate 5 Conclusion
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:1.23MB 文档页数:63
1 Introduction 2 Measuring vectorization 3 Vectorization Prerequisite 4 Vectorizing techniques in C++ Autovectorization Inline assembly Intrinsics Compiler extensions Libraries 5 What to expect ?
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