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Types of market efficiency The weak-form of efficiency: price accurately reflect all information that can be derived by examining market trading data such as past prices, trading volume, short interest rate, etc
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Introduction The consumption-based model as a complete answer to most asset pricing question in principle, does not work well in practice; This observation motivates effects to tie the discount factor m to other data; Linear factor pricing models are most popular models of this sort in finance; They dominate discrete-time empirical work
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配置DLSW前,首先应对DLSW有一定的理解,这对用户是很有帮助的。 Data Link Switching(DLSw)是一种新的隧道或封装协议,它可以封装来自于SNA和 NetBIOS 系统的 Logical Link Control Type1(LL1)或Type2(LL2)的帧,并使其越过非SNA架 构的网络,DLSw的提出解决了LLC2基于局域网设计而不能在广域网上传输的局限性 DLSW为SNA网络到TcPP网络的过渡提供了一套解决思路,使得SNA和 TCP/IP可 共存
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Why do we need metallization?- To connect devices electrically to each other and to the outside world; power and data Local interconnect doped polySi, silicides Packaging
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HRA面临的一大难题一 数据匮乏且可用性不良 人因数据采集极度困难,致使HRA长 期缺乏较充分的可用数据 现有主要人因数据库 人员可靠性分析手册, NUCLARR, 英国CORE-DATA 三方面问题
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TCP segment structure 32 bits URG: urgent data (generally not used) source port #f dest port counting by bytes sequence number
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PDM技术最早出现在80年代初期,目的是为了解决大量工程图纸、技术文档 以及CAD文件的计算机化管理问题,然后逐渐扩展到产品开发过程中的三个主要 领域:设计图纸和电子文档的管理,材料明细表(BOM)及与工程文档的集成管 理,工程变更管理。由于早期软件功能比较单一,各自解决问题的侧重点也不完全 相同,所以有不同叫法,如文档管理( document management)、工程数据管理 engineering data management)等
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一、个体排序Data/ Sort cases… 选择排序变量
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一、定量资料( quantitative data):数值变量(numerical variable) 其变量的值是定量的,表现为数值的大小,一般有度量衡
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Why the hype? Microarray platforms CDNA VS oligo technologies Sample applications Analysis of microarray data clustering of co-expressed genes some classic microarray papers
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