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3–1 结型场效应管 3–2 绝缘栅场效应管(IGFET) 3–3 场效应管的参数和小信号模型 3–4 场效应管放大器
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3.1 Basic DC to DC converters 3.1.1 Buck converter(Step-down converter) 3.1.2 Boost converter(Step-up converter) 3.1.3 Buck-Boost converter(Step-downstep-up converter)and Cuk converter 3.1.4 Sepic converter and Zeta converter 3.2 Composite DC/DC converters and connection of multiple DC/DC converters 3.2.1 A current-reversible chopper 3.2.2 Bridge chopper (H-bridge DC/DC converter) 3.2.3 Multi-phase multi-channel DC/DC converters
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2.1 Single-phase controlled rectifier 2.2 2 Three-phase- controlled rectifier 2.3 Effect of transformer leakage inductance on rectifier circuits 2.4 Capacitor-filtered uncontrolled rectifier 2.5Harmonics and power factor of rectifier circuits 2.6 High power controlled rectifier 2.7 Inverter mode operation of rectifier circuit 2.8 Thyristor-DC motor system 2.9 Realization of phase-control in rectifier circuits
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内部干扰:主要是由分布电容、分布电感引起的耦合感应 、多点接地造成的电位差和寄生电容振荡、热噪声等引起 无论是内部扰还是外部干扰,都是通过路或场耦合到被 干扰设备,因此,干扰的引入方式主要是共阻抗耦合方式
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6.1判断程序设计 6.2巡回检测程序设计 6.3数字滤波程序设计 6.4标度变换程序设计 6.5上下限报警处理程序设计 6.6LD数码管显示程序设计 6.7定时程序设计 6.8键盘控制程序设计 6.9抗干扰技术 6.10电机控制程序设计 6.11步进电机控制
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1.1 An introductory overview of power electronic devices 1.2 Uncontrolled device-power diode 1.3 Half-controlled device-thyristor 1.4 Typical fully-controlled devices 1.5 Other new power electronic devices 16Drive circuit for power electronic devices 1.7 Protection of power electronic devices 1.8 Series and parallel connections of power electronic devices
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§ 4.1 控制系统概述 § 4.2 机电系统机械运动规律确定 § 4.3 执行机构运动循环图设计
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3.1 机械传动装置概述 3.2 (无侧隙)齿轮传动 3.3 谐波齿轮传动 3.5 同步齿形带传动
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简单介绍绥电800MW机组西门子公司生产的TELEPERM ME/XP混合型DCS控制系统的各个组成部分的特点、结构和配置,及其工作方式,以供相同设计参考
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l. What is power electronics? ll. The history lll. Applications V. A simple example lV. About this course
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