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在建筑工程中,当地基浅层土质不良,无法满足建筑物对地基变形和强度方面的要求 时,可选深层较为坚实的土层或岩层作为持力层,用深基础来传递荷载。深基础主要有 基础(国内桩基础深度已达120m,直径超过5m;小的仅70~80mm)、沉井和地下连续墙 等几种基本类型。其中,桩基础以其有效、经济等优点使用最为广泛,常应用于工业与民 用建筑、桥梁、港口等工程中
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地基处理是一项历史悠久的工程技术。早在二千多年前,我国就开始利用夯实法、软 土中夯入石头、压密土层等方法进行处理。解放后先后采用过砂垫层、砂井化学和电化法 处理软弱地基。现在又发展了振冲法、强夯法、真空预压加固、加筋法等
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Contents Preface 1 Separation processes- an overview S. Grandison and M. J. Lewis 1.1 Foods the raw material 1.2 Separation techniques 1.2.1 Introduction 1.2.2 Separations from solids
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Index adsorption recycle extraction, continuous, 196 concentration polarisation, 72 adsorption systems, expanded bed, 195 concentration polarisation, UF, 106, 146 adsorption, SCF, 40 critical T and P for supercritical fluids, 20 affinity chromatography, 202 crystallisation, 230
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Chapter 9 Solids separation processes M.J. LEWIS, Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading RG6 6AP 9.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter will cover the separations involving solid foods, together with the propertie
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Chapter 7 Innovative separation methods in bioprocessing J. A. ASENJO, Biochemical Engineering Laboratory Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, Reading RG6 6AP, UK and J. B. CHAUDHURI, School of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, Bath
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Chapter 5 Microfiltration A. S. GRANDISON, Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, Reading RG6 6AP and T.J. A FINNIGAN, Marlow Foods, Middlesbrough. 5.1 INTRODUCTION Microfiltration (MF) is the oldest membrane technology, having been used several
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Chapter 3 Pressure-activated membrane processes M. J. LEWIS, Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, Reading RG6 6AP 3.1 INTRODUCTION Over the last 30 years, a number of membrane processes have evolved, which make use of a pressure driving force and a semi-permeable membrane in order to effect a separa- tion of components in a solution or colloidal dispersion. The separation is based mainly on molecular size, but to a lesser extent on shape and charge. The three main processes
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Chapter 1 Separation processes-an overview A. S. GRANDISON and M. J. LEWIS Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, Whiteknights PO Box 226, Reading, RG6 6AP 1.1 FOODS- THE RAW MATERIAL Food and drink play a vital role in all our lives, providing us with the nutrients essential
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