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1.The Nuer a. Famous in anthropology long before Hutchinson's book i. The Nuer were pacified by the British colonial forces 1. After their pacification anthropologists could study them 2. Much of early anthropology was caught up in colonialism b. Studied by many, but there can't be a definitive book on their culture or any other
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More Problems With Culture 1. The culture concept has been used and misused This notion has traveled around the world it can be considered one of Anthropology's great successes b. Culture has also been distorted 1. Assumptions that cultures have clear boundaries
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昆虫纲是动物界中最大的纲,估计近100~300 万种以上,已知种类只有约15万,种类尚待认识。 我国昆虫种类极为丰富,记载的仅有3万余种 。迅速查清我国昆虫的区系和发掘其资源,是 我国昆虫学当前迫切的重大任务之一。 许多害虫和益虫要认识,尤其是近似种类或易 混淆的种类要区别
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• 量子力学基础 • 密度算符 • 脉冲及其算符描述 • 核磁信号计算 • 多自旋体系的描述 • 相干 • 乘积算符
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1. Strength and weakness of anthropology: Anthropologists are often swayed by a single key case a. Weakness in that this is an obviously inadequate sample. No way of knowing if typical or how typical b. Strength in that rich analysis, really can tell you a lot
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More On The Nuer 1. Ghost Marriage: a woman is married to a dead man a. Among the Nuer, this kind of marriage is almost as frequent as marriage to a living man b. A living man is found to physically father a child for the dead man. TO understand this, one must distinguish between:
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一、学科平台课程 1《体育学概论》 2《体育心理学》 3《 体育科学研究方法》 二、专业课程 1《康复医学概论》 2《人体解剖学》 3《运动解剖学》 4《运动生理学》 5《生物化学》 6《运动生物化学》 7《运动生物力学》 8.《临床医学基础》 9.《中医学基础》 10《运动医学》 11《运动训练学》 12《体育社会学》 13《康复评定学》 14《运动康复治疗技术》 15《运动伤害防护》 16《运动损伤防治与康复》 17《神经疾病运动康复》 18《慢性疾病运动康复》 19《肌肉骨骼康复》 20《推拿学》 三、个性化发展课程 1《中国传统养生》 2《运动营养学》 3《老年照护学》 4《健康体适能理论与实践》 5《影像学基础》 6《医学统计学》 7《运动专项理论与实践 1》 8《运动专项理论与实践 2》 9《 球类基础 I》 10《 球类基础 II》 11《 游泳基础》 12《重竞技基础》 13《 健康管理学》 14《 体态评估与矫正》 15《 康复手法学》 16《 骨诊疗法》 17《 假肢与矫形器学》 18《 物理因子治疗学》 19《 专业英语》 20《 体育管理学》 21《 奥林匹克运动》 22《 休闲体育》 23《 社交礼仪》 24《 体能训练》 25《 民族传统体育》 26《 康复体操》 27《 瑜伽》 28《 网球》 29《 羽毛球》 30《 乒乓球》 31《 体育游戏》 32《健美操》 33《 器械健身》 四、实践环节 1《认识实习》 2《毕业实习》 3《毕业论文》
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Symbolism and Ritual It's a huge topic, it could cover a whole course 1. Two examples: a. Mariage ritual from the Kuna called\the dragging' i. Bride and groom would not choose each other, but their parents would arrange the marriage secretly. The groom's friends would traditionally surprise him and drag him down the street. (Now a days, they don't fight back so hard and they know ahead of time)
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1. INTRO We all suffer in writing, one way or another. We have trouble writing or we get writer's block. But there are ways to go at it that are less painful. a. Divide and conquer the rules of writing. Taking them one at a time will make learning the rules earlier. i. We'll keep nagging you on your writing. Take the time to go over the comments we write on your papers
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一、25种能源 太阳能、风能、水能、生物质能、地热 能、海洋温差、海洋波力能、海洋动力 能、煤炭、石油、天然气、油页岩、原 子核能 ·煤气、电力、蒸汽、液化气、汽油、重 油、柴油、沼气、电池、煤油、焦炭、 氢气
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