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1 Computer Abstractions and Technology 2 2 Instructions: Language of the Computer 74 3 Arithmetic for Computers 222 4 The Processor 298 5 Large and Fast: Exploiting Memory Hierarchy 450 6 Storage and Other I/O Topics 568 7 Multicores, Multiprocessors, and Clusters 630 A Graphics and Computing GPUs A-2 B Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator B-2 The Basics of Logic Design C-2 Mapping Control to Hardware D-2
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1.试将下述化学反应设计成电池 (1)AgCl(s)=Ag+(aAg+)+Cl-(ac-) (2)AgCl(s)+I-(ar-)=AgI()+Cl-(acr-) (3)H2(pH2)+HgO(s)=Hg()+H2O() (4)Fe2+(aFe2+)+Ag+(+)=Fe3+(aFe3+)+Ag(s)
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第2章电脑组件选购指南 2、1电脑的基础组件 2、2电脑组件的性能指标 2.2.01主板 2.2.08光驱 2.2.02中央处理器CPU2.2.09声卡 2.2.03内存
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1.Ag2O分解的计量方程为Ag2O(s)=2g()+1/22(g)当用Ag2(s)进行分解时体系的组分数自由度和可能平衡共存的最大相数各为多少? 2.指出下列各体系的独立组分数相数和自由度数各为若干? (1)NH4CK(s)部分分解为NH3(g)和Cl(g) (2)若在上述体系中额外再加入少量NH3(g) (3)NHH(s)和任意量的NH(g)和H2S(g)混合达到平衡
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2-5 具有内热源的一维导热问题 2-6 多维稳态导热的求解 第三章 非稳态导热 3-1 非稳态导热的基本概念 3-2 零维问题的分析法——集中参数法
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2-1 导热基本定律 2-2 导热问题的数学描写
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2-1 8086 CPU结构 8086 CPU内部结构 寄存器结构 2-2 8086 CPU的引脚及其功能 2-3 8086存储器组织 2-4 8086系统配置 2-5 8086 CPU时序
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2 .1 机械波的产生,形成和和传播 2 .2 波的周期性和波速 2.3 简谐波的波函数(表达式) 2.4 波所传播的能量
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1 Atoms and Molecules; Orbitals and Bonding 2 Alkanes 3 Alkenes and Alkynes 4 Stereochemistry 5 Rings 6 Alkyl Halides, Alcohols, Amines, Ethers, and Their Sulfur-Containing Relatives 7 Substitution and Elimination Reactions: The SN2, SN1, E1, and E2 Reactions 8 Equilibria 9 Additions to Alkenes 1 10 Additions to Alkenes 2 and Additions to Alkynes 11 Radical Reactions 12 Dienes and the Allyl System: 2p Orbitals in Conjugation 13 Conjugation and Aromaticity 14 Substitution Reactions of Aromatic Compounds 15 Analytical Chemistry: Spectroscopy 16 Carbonyl Chemistry 1: Addition Reactions 17 Carboxylic Acids 18 Derivatives of Carboxylic Acids: Acyl Compounds 19 Carbonyl Chemistry 2: Reactions at the α Position 20 Special Topic: Reactions Controlled by Orbital Symmetry 21 Special Topic: Intramolecular Reactions and Neighboring Group Participation 22 Special Topic: Carbohydrates 23 Special Topic: Amino Acids and Polyamino Acids (Peptides and Proteins)
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(一)选择题: 1. 如图,S1、S2 是两个相干光源,它门到 P 点的距离分别为 r1 和 r2,路径 S1P 垂直穿过一块厚度为 t2 ,折射率为 n1 的介质板,路径 S2, P 垂直穿过厚度为 t2 折射率为 n2 的另一介质板, 其余部分可看作真空,这两条路径的光程差等于
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