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Ch.8 Nonspherical Disturbance This chapter will assume that the full ideal conditions hold except that the covari- ance matrix of the disturbance, i.e. E(EE)=02Q2, where Q is not the identity matrix. In particular, Q may be nondiagonal and / or have unequal diagonal ele- ments Two cases we shall consider in details are heteroscedasticity and auto-
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Ch. 4 Asymptotic Theory From the discussion of last Chapter it is obvious that determining the dis- tribution of h(X1, X2, . . Xr) is by no means a trival exercise. It turns out that more often than not we cannot determine the distribution exactly. Because of the importance of the problem, however, we are forced to develop approximations the subject of this Chapter
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Ch. 23 Cointegration 1 Introduction An important property of (1) variables is that there can be linear combinations of theses variables that are I(O). If this is so then these variables are said to be cointegrated. Suppose that we consider two variables Yt and Xt that are I(1) (For example, Yt= Yt-1+ St and Xt= Xi-1+nt.)Then, Yt and Xt are said to be cointegrated if there exists a B such
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判断模型好坏的标准(AC. Harvey): 1.简约性(Parsimony) 2.可识别性(Identifiability)参数的估计唯一 3. Goodness of fit越高越好; 4.理论一致性(Theoretical consistency)与理论或常识要一致。如在消费函数中,可支配收入的系数一般为正; 5. Predictive power
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1 Goodness of Fit Statistics We would like some measure of how well our regression model actually fits the data.* We have goodness of fit statistics to test this: i.e. how well the sample regression function (srf) fits the data. The most common goodness of fit statistic is known as R2. One
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古典线性回归模型的假定 OLS的代数推导 OLS的几何解释 拟合优度 OLS的小样本性质 对单个系数的 t检验 对线性假设的 F检验 分块回归与偏回归(选读) 预测
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离散被解释变量的例子 二值选择模型 二值选择模型的微观基础 二值选择模型中的异方差问题 稀有事件偏差(选读) 含内生变量的Probit模型(选读) 双变量Probit模型(选读) 部分可观测的双变量Probit模型(选读)
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8.1 面板二值选择模型 8.2 面板二值选择模型的随机效应估计 8.3 面板二值选择模型的固定效应估计 8.4 面板二值选择模型的Stata实例 8.5 面板泊松回归 8.6 面板负二项回归 8.7 面板计数模型的Stata实例 8.8 面板Tobit 8.9 面板随机前沿模型(选读)
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实验数据 理想的随机实验 引入更多的解释变量 随机实验执行过程中可能出现的问题 自然实验 双重差分法 三重差分法(选读) 观测数据的处理效应
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蒙特卡罗法的思想与用途 蒙特卡罗法实例:模拟中心极限定理 蒙特卡罗法实例:服从卡方分布的扰动项 蒙特卡罗积分 最大模拟似然法与模拟矩估计 自助法的思想与用途 自助法的分类 使用自助法估计标准误 使用自助法进行区间估计 自助法的一致性(选读) 异方差情况下的自助法 面板数据与时间序列的自助法 自助法的Stata命令 使用自助法进行稳健的豪斯曼检验
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