文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.24MB 文档页数:23
Text A The Nightmare and The Dreams Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Background Part 3 Language Points
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.01MB 文档页数:71
• Lead-in Activities • Text Organization • Reading and Writing Skills • Language Points • Guided Practice • Assignment
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:343.5KB 文档页数:16
1 Background Information 2 Text Analysis 3 Lanquage Points
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:417.5KB 文档页数:20
Text The Washwoman Background Information 1 Introduction 2 Language Points 3 Exercises
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CLONING: GOOD SCIENCE OR BAAAADIDEA 1 Background Information 2 Text Analysis 3 Lanquage Points
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吉林大学:《商务英语选读》课程电子教案(PPT课件)Unit 2 Text b How to Start a Conversation in Britain
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《新编大学英语》综合教程(第三版第二册)B2U1_Self-market_Reading Material_Enjoy a poem - Hero
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武汉工程大学:《综合英语》(英文版) Final For English Majors 2003 (Level 2)(A)
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Text A Public Attitudes toward Science Part 1 Objectives Part 2 Cultural Notes Part 3 Text Structure Part 4 Language Points Part 5 Content Questions
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