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Part 7.4: Monitoring and medications is section provides an overview of monitoring techniques carbia (and therefore the adequacy of ventilation during and medications that may be useful during CPR and in the CPR), or tissue acidosis. This conclusion is supported by I mediate prearrest and postarrest settings. case series(LOE 5)and 10 case reports 0-l9 that showed that arterial blood gas values are an inaccurate indicator of the Monitoring Immediately Before, During
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Cac a aohithrnnas she u (do ommon cause of sudden death A comprehensive presentation of the evaluation and man- be established on as agement of bradyarrhythmias and tachyarrhythmias is beyond possible for all patients who collapse suddenly or have the scope of these
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ach year in the United States about 700 000 people of all Stroke Recognition and EMS Care ages suffer a new or repeat stroke. Approximately 158 000 of these people will die, making stroke the third Stroke Warning Signs eading cause of death in the United States . Many advances important because
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Automated External Defibrillators Defibrillation Cardioversion, and Pacing his chapter presents guidelines for defibrillation with Delays to either start of CPR or defibrillation can reduce automated external defibrillators(AEDs) and manual survival from SCA. In the 1990s some predicted that CPR defibrillators, synchronized cardioversion, and pacing. AEDs could be rendered obsolete by the widespread development of may be used by lay rescuers
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[概述] 多脏器功能衰竭(MOF)或多脏器功能失常综 合征(MODS指在严重感染、脓毒症、休克、 严重创伤、大手术、大面积烧伤、长时间心肺 复苏术及病理产科等疾病发病24小时后出现的 2个或者2个以上系统、器官衰竭或功能失常的 综合征 但不包括上述疾病发病24小时内死亡者,这 类患者属于复苏失败
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一、骨的功能 1、动物体内的骨是一种活器官,坚硬而有弹性,有丰富的血管、淋巴管和神经。 2、具有新陈代谢和生长发育的特点。 3、有改建和再生的能力。 4、骨基质内含大量的钙盐和磷酸盐,是动物体内的钙磷库。 5、造血功能(红骨髓)。 6、支持与保护功能,如颅腔、胸腔等保护脑及心肺
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asic life support(BLS)includes recognition of signs of means that in the first minutes after collapse the victims sudden cardiac arrest(SCA), heart attack, stroke, and chance of survival is in the hands of bystander foreign-body airway obstruction(FBAO); cardiopulmonary Shortening the EMS response interval increases survival resuscitation (CPR); and d
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D urovidertemapve es usfeation aiea p rege m r and Defibrillation Defibrillate using standard ACls defibrillation doses the fetus. The best hope of fetal survival is maternal survival. Class Ila).5 Review the ACLS Pulseless Arrest Algo- For the critically ill patient who is pregnant
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Electric shock and lightning strike injuries result from the Lightning can also have widespread effects on the cardio- direct effects of current on the heart and brain and on cell vascular system, producing extensive catecholamine release membranes and vascular smooth muscle. Additional injuries or autonomic
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have always known that CPR is not a single skill but some blood to the ry arteries and brain. 8.19 CPR is also eries of assessments and interventions. More recently we have become aware that cardiac arrest is not a single problem de. portant immediately after shock delivery; most victims
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