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北京化工大学:《有机化学》课程教学资源(习题与答案)Chapter 23 Ester Enolates and the Claisen Condensation:Synthesis of b-Dicarbonyl Compounds; Acyl Anion Equivalents
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北京化工大学:《有机化学》课程教学资源(章节测验,含答案)Chapter 23 Ester Enolates and the Claisen Condensation:Synthesis of b-Dicarbonyl Compounds; Acyl Anion Equivalents
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 3.1 (b) The sawhorse formula contains four carbon atoms in an unbranched chain. The compound is butane, CH:CH,CH, CH3 CH3 HH H-H CH ()Rewrite the structure to show its constitution. The compound is
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ENOLS AND ENOLATES SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 18.1(b) There are no a-hydrogen- atoms in2,2-dimethylpropa, because the a-carbon- atom bears three methyl groups
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《有机化学》课程教学资源(参考书籍)Activation of Small Molecules, Organometallic and Bioinorganic Perspectives, Edited by William B. Tolman
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 5.1 (b) Writing the structure in more detail, we see that the longest continuous chain contains four carbon atoms
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eactions of Carbon Nucleophiles with Carbonyl Compounds Carey & Sundberg: Part B; Chapter 5 Reduction of Carbonyl & Other Functional Groups
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Smith, K. and A. Pelter (1991). Hydroboration of C=C and Alkynes. Comprehensive Organic Synthesis. B. M. Trost and I. Fleming. Oxford, Pergamon Press. 8: 703. Beletskaya, I. and A. Pelter (1997). “Hydroborations catalysed by transition metal complexes
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS functions at both ends. Pentanedial is an acceptable IUPAC name for this compound.hyde 17.1 (b) The longest continuous chain in glutaraldehyd has five carbons and terminates in ald
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SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS 14.1 () Magnesium bears a cyclohexyl substituent and a chlorine. Chlorine is named as an anion. The compound is cyclohexylmagnesium chloride. 14.2 (b) The alkyl bromide precursor to sec-butyllithiur must be sec-butyl bromide
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