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第一节复(混)合肥料的概念 第二节复(混)合肥料的成分、性质与施用 第三节复(混)肥料的合理施用
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第一节有机肥料的营养作用 第二节有机肥料在农业生产中的作用 第三节有机肥料的种类、性质和施用 第四节有机肥料的特点与合理施用
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肥料的定义与包容 肥料在农业生产中的作用 现代农业中肥料的应用状况 当今肥料应用方面所面临的问题 肥料学的目的与任务
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一、试验目的 农业生产中频繁地灌溉和不合理的施肥不仅使水肥的利用率降低,而且也会造成蔬菜 品质下降、地下水硝酸盐含量超标;城镇居民的生活污水、畜禽养殖场的废液和粪便等如 得不到及时和有效的处理,堆积活排放到湖泊河流中会导致水体富营养化,从而带来一 系列的环境问题。通过本试验,要求学生们掌握一些内容:
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Plant nitrogen 1.1 Uptake of N 1. N is required by plants in large amounts Most plant material contains 2-4%N and 40%C. 2. N is usually the limiting nutrient in unfertilized systems 3. Most n is taken up from the soil in the form of nht or no a small amount of NH3 can be absorbed through the leaves N2 can be used by legume plant via biological nitrogen fiXation
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THE CELL WALL Before traversing the plasma membrane(p. m., ions must first cross the cell wall and contact the p. m the bulk flow of soil solution coul theoretically carry inorganic ions into the cell wall and through the apoplastic pathway. The thickness of a cell wall is in the range of 500 to 1000 nm. It is porous
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Concept of organic fertilizers Organic fertilizers-that are derived from the wastes and residues of plants or animals. Such as manure, sewage sludge etc. Some consist of unprocessed plant materials(such as tree leaves, grass clipping, crop residues, and green manure crops)
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Calcium in physiology Uptake and translocation Higher plants often contain apprecia ble amounts Ca and generally in the order of about 5-30 mg Ca/g dry matter The high Ca2+ concentrations related with the high Ca2+ levels in media not related with the Ca2+ uptake
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Plant K A. Potassium content of plants 1.20-50gkg-1 2. Plants take up large amount of K. Only N is taken up more. 3. In some plants (sugar beets and potatoes) K uptake is greater than N uptake
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Scope of this lecture Root functions: for plant, soil and ecosystem Root structure and pathways for uptake of nutrients the symplast and apoplast Root architecture(结构) and morphology(形态) Responses of roots and root systems to environmental stress Root hairs and their functions Introduction to combined strategies for efficient
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