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上海交通大学:《生产计划与控制 Production Planning and Control》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)chap03 Aggregate Planning ?Introduction ?Aggregate Units of Production; ?Costs in Aggregate Planning; ?A Prototype Problem;
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上海交通大学:《生产计划与控制 Production Planning and Control》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)chap02 Forecasting 3. Classification of Forecasts 4. Evaluating Forecast 5. Notation Conventions 6. Methods for Forecasting Stationary Series
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1.1生产管理的基本概念 1.2生产管理的范围和内容 1.3生产管理的新特征
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14.1生产管理概述 14.2生产设计与组织 14.3生产计划与控制 14.4生产管理的方式
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一、生产计划 二、生产作业计划 三、生产作业控制
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• Introduction • Transportation Problem • Generalizations of the Transportation; • More General Network Formulations • Distribution Resources Planning; • Determining Delivery Routes in Supply Chain • The Role of information in the SCM
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•Types of Inventories •Motivation for Holding Inventories; •Characteristics of Inventory System; •Relevant Costs; •The EOQ Model; •EOQ Model with Finite Production Rate •Quantity Discount Models •Resource-constrained multiple product system •EOQ models for production planning •Power-of-two policies
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1. Basic Conception of Production & Operations Management 2. Production System and its Classification 3. Organization of Production System 4. Operations Management &Operations Strategy 5. The Classical View of Operations Strategy 6. Strategic Initiatives-Reengineering 7. Matching Process and Product Life Cycles 8. Capacity Growth Planning
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• Draw the demand curves and estimate the season length N; • Computer the moving average MA(N); • Centralize the moving averages; • Get the centralized MA values back on period; • Calculate seasonal factors, and make sure of  ct=N. • Divide each observation by the appropriate seasonal factor to obtain the deseasonalized demand • Forecast is made based on deseasonalized demand. • Final forecast is obtained by multiplying the forecast (with no seasonality) with seasonal factors
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第一节产品开发的决策 (一)产品选择是指根据市场行情旆选那些能够顺应和满足顾客需求的产品和服务,同时又能够为企业创造利润并保持竟争优势得以继续发展的策略
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