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Chapter 0. Reader's Guide Chapter 2. Classical Encryption Techniques Chapter 3. Block Ciphers and the Data Encryption Standard Chapter 4. Finite Fields Chapter 5. Advanced Encryption Standard Chapter 6. More on Symmetric Ciphers Chapter 7. Confidentiality Using Symmetric Encryption Chapter 8. Introduction to Number Theory Chapter 9. Public-Key Cryptography and RSA Chapter 10. Key Management; Other Public-Key Cryptosystems Chapter 11. Message Authentication and Hash Functions Chapter 12. Hash and MAC Algorithms Chapter 13. Digital Signatures and Authentication Protocols Chapter 14. Authentication Applications Chapter 15. Electronic Mail Security Chapter 16. IP Security Chapter 17. Web Security Chapter 18. Intruders Chapter 19. Malicious Software Chapter 20. Firewalls
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.37MB 文档页数:78
1.1 What is the Internet? 1.2 Network edge 1.3 Network core 1.4 Network access and physical media 1.5 Internet structure and ISPs 1.6 Delay & loss in packet-switched networks 1.7 Protocol layers, service models 1.8 History
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:2.96MB 文档页数:62
6.1 Introduction Wireless  6.2 Wireless links, characteristics  CDMA  6.3 IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs (“wi-fi”)  6.4 Cellular Internet Access  architecture  standards (e.g., GSM) Mobility  6.5 Principles: addressing and routing to mobile users  6.6 Mobile IP  6.7 Handling mobility in cellular networks  6.8 Mobility and higher￾layer protocols 6.9 Summary
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