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During recent years there has been a greatly increased consumer demand for perishable chilled foods which are perceived as being fresh, healthy and convenient. The major food retailers have satisfied this consumer demand by providing an ever increasing range of value-added chilled food products. The wide diversity of chilled foods available is accompanied by a huge range of packaging materials and formats which are used to present attractively packaged foods in retail chill cabinets. This chapter overviews the requirements and types of packaging materials and formats which are commonly utilised for a broad
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Preface During the last 40 years, consumer choice has been trans velopment in the production, distribution and retailing of food improvements in the design and equipment of the domestic kitchen have facilitated a major change in our lifestyle. Perhaps the most striking development is the marketing of a wide and
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Chilled food technology has had a very significant impact on the types of food eaten by consumers during the 1980s and 1990s. This method of food preservation has satisfied the desires of people for safe, reliable, fresh products providing convenience despite the limited shelf-life. This introduction reviews the definition, range and market size of chilled food and indicates trends for the L1 Definition Foods distributed under refrigeration and sold from refrigerator cabinets have been available for many years. Although there were many new chilled product
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Organisations looking to develop their business operations through the current volatile economic climates need to establish clear objectives as to how the various elements of the business need to perform to ensure continuing growth and viability. In order to achieve these objectives it is further imperative to have mechanisms in place to monitor performance and also to provide a process by which change can be implemented in those areas of activity which need strengthening. Total Quality
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This chapter focuses on the key elements of international and national regulatory controls and associated guidance on the manufacture, storage and distribution of chilled foods. European countries in membership of EU are covered only insofar as where national legislation or guidance exists in addition to general EU rules Since chilled foods are a relatively recent
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Raw material selection- fruits and Ⅴ egetables L. Bedford, Campden and Chorleywood Food Research Association 1.1 Introduction Fresh fruits and vegetables are utilised in a wide range of chilled products. They may be sold whole, or peeled (for example peeled potatoes and onions)or further prepared(e.g. carrot batons). After washing or further preparation they form ingredients for mixes such as mixed fruit or salad packs or for further
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食品低温保藏的基本原理 ——低温保藏原理以及不同低温条件下影响食品贮藏的主要因素 食品的冷藏 ——不同食品原料在冷藏过程中的控制方法和特点,冷藏对食品品质的影响 食品的冻藏 ——冻结过程及其规律、冻结速度和解冻速度对冻藏食品品质的影响,冰结晶与食品品质的关系,冻结和冻藏所引起的食品品质的变化
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The quality of fresh meat exposed for retail sale is initially judged on its appearance. The presence of exudate or'drip', which accumulates in the container of prepackaged meat or in trays or dishes of unwrapped meat, substantially reduces its sales appeal (Malton and James, 1983). Drip can be referred to by a number of different names including purge loss',press loss'and 'thaw loss'depending on the method of measurement and when it is measured. In general, beef tends to lose proportionately more drip than pork or lamb. Since most of the exudate comes from the cut ends of muscle fibres
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Whilst a number of characteristics affect the overall quality and acceptability of both fresh and frozen meats, tenderness is the major characteristic of eating quality because it determines the ease with which meat can be chewed and swallowed. The tenderness of meat is affected by both chilling/freezing and storage. Under the proper conditions, tenderness is well maintained throughout the chilled/frozen storage life, but improper chilling/freezing can produce severe toughening and meat of poor eating quality
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leat for industrial processing is usually frozen in the form of carcasses, quarters or boned out primals in 25 kg cartons. Most bulk meat, consumer portions and meat products are frozen in air blast freezers. Some small ind viduals items, for example beefburgers, may be frozen in cryogenic tunnels and a small amount of offal and other meat is frozen in plate freezers. It is not unusual for meat to be frozen twice before it reaches the consumer During industrial processing frozen raw material is often thawed or tem-
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