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Words accompany, attractive, crazy, influence, I communication create instrument, mostly, perform, popular, similar, I entertain, export, festival symbol musical, occasion, religion religious. remind Phrases be similar to, go back to, grow up, have all over, bring together,go
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一、除了医学知识外,妇科医生必须注重 communication skills. 二、不仅关注患者的疾病状况,还需了解患者的心理、社会、家庭状况等因素。 三、同样,环境以及文化背景也影响患者
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In this unit, we'll learn something related to American culture. With the development of science and technology especially modern ways of communication, people in different countries in the world are getting to know more about each other. America is a country with great influence. What do you know about the country? And do you know something about American family? Actually
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一、公关调查.r .. Research 二、公关策划P.r .. Planing 三、公关实施P.r .. Communication 四、公关评估P.r.Evaluation 五、四大步骤形成环状结构一“RPCE”循环
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Software Design Systems Development Communication Information
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本文分析、讨论了自动化系统的防雷问题,着重阐述了水厂自动化控制系统的综合防雷措施。 关键词:水厂、自动化系统、防雷、瞬间过电压 概述随着计算机技术( Computer)、控制技术( Contro)、通讯技术( Communication)、显示技术(CR T)的发展和广泛应用,目前水厂的自动化控制普遍采用由工业计算机IPC或可编程控器PLC组成的集数据 采集、过程控制和信息传送于一体的监控网络
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Definition The term\language\ normally refers to human speech, spoken or written. Language forms the basis of communication between all human beings
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