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1. Remember the following useful expressions and translate them into Chinese: 1. With a view to supporting your sales, we have specially prepared some samples of our new makes and are sending them to you, under separate cover, for your
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猕猴桃溃疡病 Chinese Gooseberry(Kiwi)Canker 溃疡病是猕猴桃上的一种毁灭性病害,该病于1980年在美国加州和日本的静冈县首 发现。我国于1986年在湖南东山峰农场人工栽培基地首次证实了该病的发生。该病在湖南 等地发展迅速,来势凶猛,连年流行,可在短期内使猕猴桃濒于毁灭
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Biological Features Aerobic, Gram, noncapsulated, rods Gray-black colonies on tellurite亚碲酸盐 medium o Metachromatic granules Chinese-letter morphology in Gram stain
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第一节 概述 第二节 药品标准 第三节 中药制剂检验的一般程序
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第一节 概述 第二节 灰分检查法 (Ash Test) 第二节 重金属检查法 (Heavy Metal Test) 第三节 砷盐检查法 (Arsenic Test) 第四节 特殊杂质检查 (Test of Special Foreign Matter)
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第一节 必备知识 第二节 一般化学反应法 第三节 升华鉴别法 第四节 荧光鉴别法 第五节 薄层色谱鉴别法 第六节 气相色谱鉴别法 第七节 高效液相色谱鉴别法
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1. Special in Guilin Guilin Three Treasures: Fermented Bean Curd; Chilli Sauce; Sanhua Liquor Guilin rice noodle Yao Minorities'Oil Tea Yangshuo beer fish Fish from the clear water of Li River, Lingchuan dog meat Lipu steamed port with taro Stewed duck with gingko nuts Guilin field snails
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1. Besides the ways introduced in para1, what other traditional ways do you know the Chinese have to predict earthquakes Water in the well becomes muddy, Seismoscope/Seismograph invented by Zhang Heng Mice run in the street fearlessly 2. What is the most dangerous part in the earthquake to most people? Falling building
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College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin300071) Abstract: This paper summed up the Course and the achievement of Chinese promoting Cleaner Production. It emphasized the creativity of mechanism of Chinas CP development in future, include to bring CP into its Social-Economical Development Program, to encourage local governments to promote CP, to encourage departments to support CP, etc Key Words: Cleaner Production, pollution control, sustainable development, creativity of mechanism
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Content 1. SERI Introduction 2. The Chinese Objective of RE 3. Solar Energy Resources in Yunnan 4. Photovoltaic Utilization 5. Solar Thermal Utilization
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