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Primary research programs Geophysical research GPS analysis packages GAMIT (GPS at MIT): Uses double differences GYPSY: Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) processing packages: Uses one-way observables and explicitly estimates clocks Bernese: Developed at Astronomical Institute
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Treat the basic description and dynamics of satellite orbits Major perturbations on GPS satellite orbits · Sources of orbit information: -SP3 format from the International GPS service Broadcast ephemeris message
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1. Basic Knowledge of GPS In 1973, DOd organized a Joint P Office (JPO) located at the U.S. Air Force Systems Command's Space The s Second Lecture Division, Los Angeles Air Force Base(AFB)to what?
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第一节GPS定位系统的兴起及其特点 GPS的发展由来和建立、基本原理 第二节GPS组成 空间星座部分、地面监控部分、用户设备部分 第三节GPS的加密措施 SA政策、A-S措施、用户措施、政策调整与技术更新
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假设在同一观测时段,只有两台接收机在一条基线上进行了 同步观测工作。从这一条件出发,根据间接平差原理,讨论载 波相位观测量不同线性组合的平差模型。这些模型易于推广到 多台接收机观测情况
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一、单基线平差模型 二、模型简单、易于编程实现 三、基线之间相关性被忽略 四、不易发现粗差
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一、与卫星有关:卫星星历误差、卫星钟误差、相对论效应 二、与信号传播有关:电离层折射、对流层折射、多路径误差与接受机有关: 三、与接受机钟误差、天线相位中心变化
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1.1 Terminology Definitions 3. Point Positioning ys. Relative positioning The coordinates of a single point are determined when 1. Code Range vs, Carrier Phase Code measurements(meter level) Carrier phase measurements(millimeter range). Single point positioning
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This is a Geodetic Control Test Field located at L Radial Surveying( Cartwheel): Madison County, Central Ohio. lial Surveys: one receiver at a fixed 2 Madison County High Altitude Test Range site, and measuring lines from this fixed
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