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语言与社会政治生活密切相关。 在语言使用中,把握正确的政 治方向有助于社会大 的稳定,民族的团 结;有助于国与国 之间友好关系的保 持与发展
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A General Survey of the United Kingdom Teaching Material: The Society and Culture of Major Englishh-Speakin Countries-An Introduction By Higher Education Press) Teaching Objectives: This course is mainly to make known to the students the British politics, culture as well as society at large, and its position in the world as far as its long
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What is politics? The struggle or process that people engage in to decide which members of society get certain benefits or privileges and which members of society are excluded from benefits or privileges
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Organizational Conflict Conflict exists in situations where goals, interests or values of people are incompatible and they block other's efforts to achieve their goals Some level of conflict is inevitable given the wide range of goals in a firm Some conflict is good for organizational performance Too much causes managers to spend much time responding to conflict
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Programming Languages As difficult to discuss rationally as religion or politics. Prone to extreme statements devoid of data. Examples: \It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.\(Dijkstra)
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“政治”与“经济” “政治”的词源 Politics/PoliticalPolitike来源于古希腊语/ Polis “经济”的词源 Economy/Economic来源于古希腊语 Oikonomial Oikonomos/ Oikos
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