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1. Different periods of Female Neonatal period:≤4 weeks childhood: 4 weeks to age of 12 adolescence: menarche age of 12-17 sexual maturity: begain 18. maintains for 30 years Operi-menopausal period: begain 40, maintains for 10-20 years pre-menopause, menopause (last time of menorrhae post-menopause
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Normal Pregnancy Pregnand The course that the embryo and the fetus grow in the maternal body Stages f pregnancy Early pregnancy: $12 weeks Mid pregnancy:≥13 weeks,≤27 weeks Late pregnancy: 228 weeks Term pregnancy:≥37 weeks,<42 weeks
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中国农业大学:《家畜繁殖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)第三章 雄性动物的生殖生理(二)Physiology of Male Reproduction
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Phosphorus in plant physiology P content of plants Approximately 0.2% of plant dry weight is P Plants require a relatively large amount of P. The phosphate concentration in the cytosol is maintained at fairly constant concentrations in the 5 to 8 mol/m3 regardless of the external phosphate concentration except under severe P deficiency. By contrast is the vacuolar phosphate concentration
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Calcium in physiology Uptake and translocation Higher plants often contain apprecia ble amounts Ca and generally in the order of about 5-30 mg Ca/g dry matter The high Ca2+ concentrations related with the high Ca2+ levels in media not related with the Ca2+ uptake
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Aggregate Demand ll Science is a parasite: the greater the patient population the better the ad ance in physiology and pathology; and out of pathology arises therapy The year 1932 was the trough of the great depression, and from its rotten soil was belatedly begot a new subject that today we call macroeconomics In Chapter 10 we assembled the pieces of the IS-LM model. We saw that the IS curve represents the equilibrium in the market for goods and services, that the LM curve represents the equilibrium in the market for real money balances, and that the IS and LM curves together
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Wang Xiaochuan Children’s Hospital Immunocompromised Host Individual who has one or more defects in the body’s natural defense mechanisms which are sufficiently severe to predispose the host to life￾threatening infection Primary - PID, damage to anatomical barriers Secondary - infection, tumor, drug, others Physiology- Infants, aged
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Bacterial chemical components Water: free water and compound water. Inorganic salt: phosphus, potassium magnesium,calcium, nitrium,etc. Protein: 50%-80% of dry weight accordingbacterial kinds and age. Sugar: mainly distributing in cell wall andcapsule. Lipids: composed of lipid, fatty acid, wax, etc. Nucleic acid: RNA and DNA
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复旦大学:《生理学 Physiology》精品课程教学资源(讲义)第一章 绪论
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复旦大学:《生理学 Physiology》精品课程教学资源(讲义)第三章 血液
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