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Convergence Issues Synthesis equation: None. since integrating over a finite interval Analysis Equation: Need conditions analogous to CTFT, e. g
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Convolution Property 0(t)=h(t)*(t)←→Y(j)=H(ju)X( where h(t)←→H(ju) A consequence of the eigenfunction property
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Another(important! ) example: Periodic Impulse train n(t)=∑(t Sampling function important for sampling .2T
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Portrait of Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Image removed due to copyright considerations Signals& Systems, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Prentice Hall, 1997, p 179
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Question: Are there sets of basic\ signals so that a) We can represent rich classes of signals as linear combinations of these building block signals b) The response of ltI Systems to these basic signals are both simp and insightful Fact: For LtI Systems(CT or dt) there are two natural choices for these building blocks Focus for now:
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1.概念 2.1.1数据与信息 3.1.2数据处理与数据管理 4.1.3数据库(Data Base) 5.1.4数据库管理系统(DBMS) 6.1.5数据库系统
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第一节汇编语言编程的基本方法 第二节DSP的浮点运算方法 第三节DSP在信号发生器上的应用 第四节用DSP实现FIR滤波器
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1.1基本概念及含义 1.2国外电子战装备技术发展现状与趋势 1.3国内综合电子战技术现状与差距 1.4今后的研究发展方向 1.5雷达对抗的信号环境 1.6雷达侦察概述 1.7雷达干扰概述
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1.已知某超外差接受机与射频调谐晶体视频接收机的组成分别如下图,其中的滤波器均为 无冤源网络,试求它们的切线信号灵敏度
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2.题二图所示为搜索式超外差接收机原理图,其侦察频段为f口f2=10002000MH,中放带宽为4,=2MH。现有载频为1200M,脉冲为lμs的常规雷达脉冲进入接收机 (1)画出频率显示器上画面及信号波形,说明波形包络及宽度与哪些因素有关? (2)中频频率f及本振频率f应取多大,为什么? (3)画出接收机各部分频率关系图
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