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河南中医药大学:《应用统计学》课程教学资源(电子教案)06教学设计 第4章 数据的概括性度量 4.1 集中趋势的度量 4.2 离散程度的度量 4.3 偏态与峰态的度量
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1. 什么是问卷调查 2. 问卷设计 3. 问卷调查的数据收集方式 4. 抽样
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1.1 统计相关概念 1.2 统计数据的类型
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复旦大学:《社会研究方法A Social Research Methods A》PPT课程讲义_第8讲 数据录入
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2.1 Divide-and-conquer design paradigm 2.2 Recurrence for merge sort and binary search 2.3 Powering a number 2.4 Fibonacci numbers 2.5 Recursive squaring 2.6 Matrix multiplication 2.7 Strassen's algorithm
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4.1 Randomized algorithm 4.2 Quicksort and randomized quicksort 4.3 Expected running time of quicksort 4.4 Max-heaps and min-heaps 4.5 Heap operations: heapify, building, and key increasing 4.6 heap sort and priority queues 4.7 Comparisons of sort algorithms: heap sort, quick sort, insertion sort, and merge sort 4.8 Comparison sort and decision tree model 4.9 Sorting in linear time: counting-sort, radix sort, and bucket sort
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6.1 Binary trees and binary search tree 6.2 Inorder, preorder, and postorder tree walk 6.3 Successor and predecessor of BST 6.4 Operations of BST: search, Minimum and maximum, constructing, deletion and insertion 6.5 Balanced search trees 6.6 AVL trees 6.7 Single and double rotation 6.8 Red-black trees 6.9 B-tree (2-3-4 tree)
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8.1 Manufacturing problem 8.2 Matrix-chain multiplication 8.3 Elements of dynamic programming 8.4 Four steps of development 8.5 Longest common subsequence problem
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10.1 Graph representations 10.2 Breadth-first and depth-first search algorithms 10.3 Topological sort 10.4 Disjoint sets and strategy of union by rank and path compression 10.5 Minimum spanning tree 10.6 Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm 10.7 Single-source shortest-paths algorithms: breadth-first search, Dag shortest paths, Dijkstra algorithm, and Bellman-Ford algorithm 10.8 All-pairs shortest-paths algorithms: brute-force, dynamic programming, Floyd-Warshall algorithm, and Johnson algorithm 10.9 Ford-Fulkerson max-flow algorithm and Edmonds-Karp algorithm
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12.1 Polynomial time algorithms 12.2 Undecidable 12.3 NP-complete 12.4 Approximation algorithms 12.5 Dealing with hard problems
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