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《数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第一章 离散时间信号与系统
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《数字信号处理 Digital Signal Processing》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)绪论
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4.1 引言 4.2 基2FFT算法 4.3 进一步减少运算量的措施 4.4 分裂基FFT算法 4.5 离散哈特莱变换(DHT)
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3.1 离散傅里叶变换的定义 3.2 离散傅里叶变换的基本性质 3.3 频率域采样 3.4 DFT的应用举例
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Karnaugh maps It is a matrix of squares. each square represent a minterm or maxterm from a Boolean equaTion N-variable karnaugh map have 2 squares The binary numeral on the sides of k-map is the variable coordinates
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Basie cCoucept Boolean algebra (Logic algebra) is closure mathematical system that defines a series of logic operation (and, or, not) performed on set k of variables (a, b,...) which can only have two values of 0 or 1
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A function is a term used in mathematics and logic to denote a relationship between input and output variables. Each variable is restricted to binary (0, 1) values The relationship is the complex of three primitive functions (And \\Not\\Or)
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一、功能 产生(a,b)区间上均匀分布的随机数。 二、方法简介 均匀分布的概率密度函数为
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4.1 概述 4.2 触发器的电路结构与动作特点 4.3 触发器的逻辑功能及描述方法 4.4 触发器的动态特性
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6.1 概述 6.2 施密特触发器 6.3 单稳态触发器 6.4 多谐振荡器 6.5 555定时器及其应用
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