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Biscuits are small baked products made principally from flour, sugar and fat. They typically have a moisture content of less than 4% and when packaged in moistureproof containers have a long shelf life, perhaps six months or more. The appeal to consumers is determine by the appearance and eating qualities. For example, consumers do not like broken biscuits nor ones that have been over or under baked
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4.1 Introduction White wheat flour is the largest ingredient in nearly all biscuits. It is made from wheat by removing the brown surface coating and the embryo(the bran and the germ) and reducing the particle size to a fine powder. Modern milling methods are very complex involving many stages principally because it is difficult to separate the bran from the white central part (known as the endosperm)of the wheat
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The only difference between a fat and an edible oil is that at ambient temperature a fat is semi-solid, and appears more or less firm to the touch, and an oil is liquid. They are both of similar general chemical composition. Edible oils are completely different in chemical form to mineral oils that are used as fuels or for lubrication. Most mineral oils are hazardous to human health and should not be even a small
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八人赛艇比赛和举重比赛一样,分成86公斤 的重量级和73公斤的轻量级。1971年, TAMcMahon比较了1964-1970年期间两次 奥运会和两次世锦赛成绩,发现86公斤级比 73公斤级的成绩大约好5%,产生这一差异的 原因何在呢? 我们将以L表示轻量级、以H表示重 量级,用S表示赛艇的浸水面积, 表示赛艇速度,W表示选手体重,P 表示选手的输出功率,1表示赛程, 表示比赛成绩(时间)
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2.1什么是生物多样性 2.2生物多样性公约 2.3保护生物多样性的意义 2.4生物分类学 2.5五界分类系统 2.6原核生物界、原生生物界和真菌界 2.7植物界 2.8动物界
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沥青路面是在柔性基层、半刚性基层上,铺筑一定厚度的沥青混合料作面层的路面结 构。沥青路面设计的任务是根据使用要求及气候、水文、土质等自然条件,密切结合当地实 践经验,设计确定经济合理的路面结构,使之能承受交通荷载和环境因素的作用,在预定的 使用期限满足各级公路相应的承载能力,耐久性、舒适性、安全性的要求。路面设计应包括 原材料的选择、混合料配合比设计和设计参数的测试与确定,路面结构层组合与厚度计算, 以及路面结构的方案比选等内容
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路基边坡滑坍是公路上常见的破坏现象之一例如,在岩质或土质山坡上开 挖路堑,有可能因自然平衡条件被破坏或者因边坡过陡,使坡体沿某一滑动面 产生滑坡。对河滩路堤、高路堤或软弱地基上的路堤,也可能因水流冲刷、边 坡过陡或地基承载力过低而出现填方土体(或连同原地面土体沿某一剪切面产 生坍塌。为此,必须对可能出现失稳或已出现失稳的路基进行稳定性分析,保 证路基设计既满足稳定性要求,又满足经济性要求
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一、信息与数据 二、数据处理技术的发展 三、数据描述与概念模型 四、数据模型 五、关系数据模型 六、数据库系统结构 七、数据库管理系统
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9.1问题的提出 9.2规范化 9.3数据依赖的公理系统 9.4模式的分解 9.5小结
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