Ch. 15 Forecasting Having considered in Chapter 14 some of the properties of ARMA models, we now show how they may be used to forecast future values of an observed time series. For the present we proceed as if the model were known ecactly Forecasting is an important concept for the studies of time series analysis. In the scope of regression model we usually
Ch. 13 Difference Equations 1 First-Order Difference Equations Suppose we are given a dynamic equation relating the value y takes on at date t to another variables Wt and to the value y took in the previous period: where o is a constant. Equation(1)is a linear first-order difference equation a difference equation is an expression relating a variable yt to its previous values
Ch. 11 Panel Data model Data sets that combine time series and cross sections are common in econo- metrics. For example, the published statistics of the OECD contain numerous series of economic aggregate observed yearly for many countries. The PSID is a studies of roughly 6000 families and 15000 individuals who has been interviews periodically from 1968 to the present