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一、教学目的: 通过本节学习使学生掌握综合指数的编制方法,了解国民经济常见统计指 数的编制原理,并进而将综合指数的分析方法运用于经济分析与管理分析中
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The Capital Market Public Issue Privileged Subscription Regulation of Security Offerings Private Placement Initial Financing Signaling Effects The Secondary Market
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Capital Structure Determination Conceptual Look The Total-Value- Principle Presence of Market Imperfections and Incentive Issues The Effect of Taxes Taxes and Market Imperfections Combined Financial Signaling
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Required Returns and the Cost of Capital Creation of Value Overall Cost of Capital of the Firm Project-Specific Required Rates Group-Specific Required Rates
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Capital Budgeting Techniques Project Evaluation and Selection Potential Difficulties Capital Rationing Project Monitoring Post- Completion Audit
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Short-Term Financing Spontaneous Financing Negotiated Financing Factoring Accounts Receivable Composition of Short--term Financing
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Cash and Marketable Securities Management Motives for Holding Cash Speeding Up Cash Receipts Cash Payouts Electronic Commerce
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Fund Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning Flow of Funds(Sources and Uses) Statement Accounting Statement of Cash-Flows- ash- Flow Forecasting Range of Cash-Flow- Estimates Forecasting Financial Statements
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Risk and Return Defining Risk and Return Using Probability Distributions to Measure Risk Attitudes Toward Risk Risk and Return in a Portfolio Context Diversification The Capital Asset Pricing Model(cM)
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The Time Value of Money The Interest Rate Simple Interest Compound Interest Amortizing A Loan
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